Chapter 8

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When Jungsu had said home, he meant his home, since it was the closest. But then he remembered Kyuhyun and cursed under his breath. Mid-step he changed his direction and pulled Heechul with him.  The younger let out a yelp of surprise before turning quiet again. The halls where mostly empty at this time, Jungsu pulled them inside the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor. Heechul's eyes widen a bit when he realized where they were heading.

Even though they held hands, they didn't stay close together. There was clearly a wall between them and Jungsu knew it was partially because of him but the anger still hadn't died down and he wanted to scream on top of his lungs from frustration about the whole thing. He checked the hall before opening the door to the stairs. He let go of Heechul's hand as they climbed it and pushed the door to the roof open.

As soon as they were out in the open, Leeteuk turned towards Heechul. He didn't mean to sound angry, hell he wasn't really angry at Heechul at all, he was angry at that man kissing his Heechul and he was angry at the invisible wall that he now felt. 

"Explain" he almost growled.
"Can I sit down?" Heechul's voice was quiet. Jungsu waved his hand, it was a stupid question.
Heechul leaned on the wall next to the door and fished out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his inner pocket. "Here" he said and tossed the pack to Jungsu. He caught it and stared at it and contemplated whether or not to actually have one. But the anger was still there, together with guilt and anxiety. He took one and sat down next to Heechul reaching for the lighter. The burn felt nice in his throat. He exhaled and this time his voice was calmer, friendlier "Please explain"

"I was waiting for you and he came up to me and..." he didn't have time to finish the sentence before Jungsu cut him of "Yes I know that part, but he acted like he knew you. Who is he?"
Heechul took a drag and exhaled before he answered, as if he was deciding what to say. "He's an ex"
"And? There is definitely more than that to the story"
"Do I have to?"
Jungsu felt frustrated "If you really want me to believe you didn't want him to kiss you, you better tell me the whole thing"
Again, he hadn't meant to sound angry but yet again, he had. "Sorry dear" he sighed and leaned his head on Heechul's shoulder "please tell me"
"Yeah..." Another drag and then he flipped the ash off "It was two years ago. I was head over heels, it was before all the sleeping around and the new boyfriend every other week. You might say that it was his fault that ever happened" 

He leaned his head on Jungsu's and found his hand. Jungsu took it, laced their fingers together and squeezed it. He didn't wanna interrupt by saying something so he just hummed.
"I loved him, and he loved me, like for real. He is rich and suppose to take over his dad's company, but still, he wasn't overly arrogant or egoistic. I would do anything for him, if he didn't like my clothes I would change them without though. He even got me to cut my hair, and you know how much I love my long hair" 

Jungsu couldn't help but giggle a little.

"He was open about the relationship even though his parents didn't like it. I met him when he was studying law, not to become a lawyer more than just getting the hang of it. And I thought his values where good and yeah. You see? I thought he was perfect. But I mean everyone has flaws" He paused and smiled "Even I"
Jungsu smiled and said "Tell me about it" with complaining voice.
Heechul elbowed him, chuckled and then continued "One day he took me to a bridge. You know the bridge?"

"The legendary one you dump all your boyfriends at?"

Heechul scoffed "Yeah that one. He took me there, and it was so beautiful. For a moment I thought he was gonna propose or something 'cause he had seemed on edge all day. He told me he loved me and I said it back as usual but instead of a smile or a kiss he told me he was leaving. And I mean not going into the next town. He was going to China" Heechul felt a lump in his throat. It was stupid really, it was a long time ago and he didn't love Siwon anymore but that feeling, the abandonment, it still hurt like a mother fucker. 

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