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"This is your worst idea yet" Jungsu shook his head and leaned at the wall.
Heechul giggled and looked up at him from his couched down position at the corner of the house they were hiding behind. 

"No this is my best idea yet!"
He retorted and continued to peak around the corner. Jungsu scowled at him, very unhappy with this.
Heechul must have seen it 'cause at the next moment he was pressed against Jungsu's front, kissing him. Jungsu felt like sighing, he wasn't really upset with Heechul, more with his stupid idea. 

"please don't be mad" the younger whispered against his cheek.
"You owe me something later"
"Anything you want" Heechul said, pulled back and licked his lips in a very seductive way.
Jungsu chuckled and lightly pushed him away. The younger gave him a heart screening smile and dropped to his previous position. 

Jungsu watched him, no longer irritated. It had been a month now, a month since he had found that the roof of the school was not only his, like he had always thought. 

No, a month ago he had found someone else up there. He tried not thinking about that day to much, he could feel the blush rising in his face by the mere thought of how he had fainted. It was still really embarrassing! He traced what he could see of Heechul's face with his eyes. He loved him, even though they hadn't told each other yet, he knew he did. It had been the best month of his life, though a rocky one too.

Some days he would wake up, an uneasy feeling in his stomach and he would think that today was the day Heechul would take him to the bridge and tell him that it was over. There had been this one time when Heechul had asked him to meet him in a park at the river. The park happened to be near the bridge and Heechul didn't really think about that. Jungsu had left home, already heartbroken and crying and the people had stared wildly at him as he walked down the street. 

But when he got there, he found Heechul had set up a picnic for them, and then he cried even more from pure relief. The picnic had been really nice and Heechul had had a serious discussion with him about trust.  Jungsu knew that he needed to trust his boyfriend, but the whole thing felt so fragile.

Stuff like this only happens in movies and books. You are never able to make the playboy of the school fall in love with you, and if you do you are just another nudge in the bedpost for him, Leeteuk had thought more than once but he tried, he really did. He told himself to the point that his head hurt that when Heechul went out with Hankyung he was not cheating.

He was so scared that it was gonna fall apart that he sometimes felt like he was choking Heechul with all his insecurity. Which he had told him once when under the influence of alcohol.
Heechul had laughed at him, telling him that it was alright, that it would probably pass when they had been together a little longer. 

It hadn't, but it was getting better.

"Here he comes, here he comes" Heechul suddenly whispered loudly. Jungsu fought back a sigh; he still thought this was a bad idea. He peaked around the corner; his head over Heechul's and saw someone he never had wished to see again. His hair was a little longer then it had been last time, but he had the same elegance in his walk, the same confidence, head held high. Jungsu's hands turned to fists involuntarily and a small fire of anger started to built in his chest.

Siwon stopped at a bench and sat down, picking out what looked like to be a phone. He was a little early. "Explain again why this is a good idea please?" Jungsu growled.
Heechul looked up at him, concern across his face. He stood up once again and pulled them away from the corner a bit.  "Because I'm yours and no one else's" he kissed Jungsu lightly before continuing "And because this is fun, and because if there is someone who can tame Siwon, it's probably Hankyung"

There was a mischievous spark in his eyes. Jungsu's anger stilled a bit but he also still wanted to beat the light out of Siwon for everything he had ever done. Even though he hadn't showed up again since he had kissed Heechul, Jungsu still hated him for that time and all the hurt he had caused Heechul in the past.

Heechul reassured him with some more kisses and then he was back at the corner, waving wildly at Jungsu. The other peaked around, seeing Hankyung already in Siwon's lap with his arms around Hankyung's waist. At this distance they couldn't hear what they were saying but Siwon didn't look all that happy and Hankyung, well he just looked like Hankyung always did, happy.

"Can we go home now?" Jungsu asked after watching them for a few minutes. Heechul brushed of his clothes and turned towards Jungsu smiling like he had just found the cure for some incurable disease. "Yes we can dear"
He braded their fingers together, something Jungsu still wasn't all that comfortable with when they were out among people, be he was learning to deal with that as well.


Heechul laid in Leeteuk's bed, or their bed, whatever it was. The other was sleeping soundly next to him. He wanted to sweep away the hair from his face, to let it tangle in his fingers. But then Leeteuk would wake up, he slept lightly unless he was drunk, and he didn't want him to wake up. He looked too peaceful in his current state.

Heechul liked living in the now and not focus on what had been. He knew he was not good at it though, letting Siwon influence his way of living long after he was gone.
Leeteuk chased Siwon away, Leeteuk made him feel happier than he had done in a long time.
He loved Leeteuk, he just needed to find the courage to tell him.

He had never said he loved anyone after he had been with Siwon, but he felt it in his heart and he knew he did. It was just so damn difficult to get out.

Unconsciously he reached out for the golden locks but stopped his hand.
It had been a month, or something like that, and still Heechul didn't feel the need to leave, the need to be alone. They hadn't really talked about why Heechul always broke up with his boyfriends, Leeteuk seemed like he didn't want to think about it and Heechul never felt the need to bring it up.If he did, would it maybe make Leeteuk less insecure, less scared about Heechul leaving?  Heechul knew he wouldn't leave, he cared far too much about Leeteuk.

The older was more open now a days, a little more confident than he had been when they first met. But Heechul could still see his walls; still feel him drawing back when they met new people.
He shrugged inwardly, he would come around. Being propped up on ones elbow for a long time was uncomfortable, even if you were admiring your boyfriend. So Heechul slid down, knowing he would wake Leeteuk up but then he could snuggle into his side so much better.

Leeteuk mumbled something, and Heechul smiled. He rested his head against Leeteuk's chest, his arms wrapped around him. 'I love you' he mouthed against the skin, but without sounding the words.

At least that was a start.

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