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"I can do this.." Natalia whispered to herself, clutching her black messenger bag as she stood in front of the elevator doors. She was just a few more steps away. He had told her to visit when she got the chance. He'd asked her to stop in and meet his team, convinced her to at least pop in, even if she had no intention of becoming a Field Agent. Still, she knew Rossi; he'd find a way to convince her to stick around for one job, and then two; until she gave in. 

The woman sighed and smiled, her caramel brown locks shifting on her shoulders as she stepped in. No use denying it now; so she hit the button, and let herself grip the bar of the elevator as it moved. 

"-is descended from a 10-th century emperor, while other claim it was actually a descendant of a Persian card game called 'As Nas' which dates back to the-"

"The 16th century." Natalia jumped in, unable to stop herself as she walked over from the elevator. "And the closest European predecessor was Poque, which didn't catch on until 17th century France. You're discussing the origins of modern day Poker, right?"

Spencer's jaw fell open as he got a proper look at her. The woman had a petite pear type body, standing at roughly five feet and three inches, with luscious hips that swayed as she walked closer to him, Emily, and JJ. "Uh- Uhm, yeah-" he cleared his throat, shuffling in place awkwardly under the gaze of her heterochromatic eyes. "Yeah, actually. How'd you know?"

"Well I didn't, up until you mentioned As Nas. Wasn't too hard to figure out after that.." she chuckled, the sound falling from her soft pink lips. She didn't know this man; but he looked as intelligent as he sounded. 

Emily shifted her eyes back and forth between the two, and then looked at JJ. "Sorry, should we know you miss?"

Natalia tore her gaze from the eye candy that was the man in front of her, and smiled shyly. "Ah, no. Sorry, I'm actually just here to see Rossi. Asked me to pop in when I had the time; would you happen to know where he is?"

"He should be here soon. I'm Emily-"

"Prentiss. And you two are Jennifer Jareau and Spencer Reid. Rossi talks about the lot of you all the time when we manage to sneak in a phone call. I'm Natalia Hawthe."

"Just JJ is fine; do you know Rossi well then?"

The woman smiled, shifting to sit back into one of her hips. "Yes, you could say that..."

Spencer rose a brow, eyeing her a moment as she stood there, striking up conversation with JJ and Emily. She was beautiful no doubt; honey-tan skin and a fit, lean body hugged by her near skin-tight burgundy turtleneck and form fitting jeans; which strained against the tension of her thick, soft looking thighs. He towered over her, standing at six foot one; admittedly even Garcia would look tall in comparison, as she stood at an even five foot six. Her face was just as attractive as her body, being slim and oval shaped, with a small, button nose and of course, her mismatched eyes. Her left eye reminded him of an almost crystalline blue; like the bottom of a clean, clear watered lake. Meanwhile her right was a mossy sort of green, almost the shade of fresh grass in the spring. Both were framed by naturally long lashes, coated in black mascara and accented by a simple strip of eyeliner. It was hard for him not to focus on her eyes, with heterochromia being such a rare trait-

"Natalia! I didn't expect you today sweet pea!" 

Spencer furrowed his brow and turned to Rossi as he walked in with Morgan, blinking once. "Sweet pea..?" he murmured, confused by the endearing nickname.

Natalia grinned at the elder of the men present, turning to hug him tightly. "Ciao papà, scusa per la sorpresa."

"Wait a minute, dad!?" Spencer exclaimed, staring Rossi down expectantly. "Rossi-"

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