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He swore softly under his breath, and she felt her core flare with heat. She giggled at him, watching him awkwardly shift beside her. "Spencer, relax..." she murmured, sitting herself down on his long, delectable legs. His fingertips digging into the skin above her hips make her flush, and she nearly moaned at the sight of his brown eyes darkening. "I want this to.." she murmured, leaning in close, meeting his eyes from beneath her lashes. 

He let out a heavy breath, pulling her perfect hips closer, lining her up with his hardening cock through their pants. "I know you do.." he murmured back. His voice was near an octave lower, and she shivered at the sound. He pulled her body down on him, and rotated his hips against her own, making her whine and roll back. "I can tell in the way your face is flushed..." he licked his lips, right before they landed on her neck. "The way your pulse is quick, and your breathing is shaky.." 

"Spencer.." she whimpered, feeling the butterfly kisses he was leaving on her neck. Her body shook, and shivered, and begged for more. "Please.."

Spencer's smirk was formed well enough that she could feel it on her skin, and his fingers slid under her top, delicately tracing her ribs as she shuddered on his lap. "Please what, princess?"

Natalia felt heat slam her core hard, an she moaned softly. Fuck, was he..? "P-Please daddy.."

His reaction was instantaneous, his hand sliding down and grabbing her ass roughly, his hips crashing into her core just once. "Good girl.." his voice practically growled, and it made her shake. 

Fuck, he did. He had a daddy kink, holy shit. She whimpered, her internal little practically falling apart for the man between her legs. "Daddy.." she whimpered, heat searing her insides by now. She needed him to do something, anything to her. Anything he wanted.

"Natalia.." he hissed, biting down on her skin gently, making her squeal with joy and need.



"Fuck, daddy.." she panted, grinding her hips down on his erection, begging for him to be inside her.


"What-?" The brunette shot up, panting and flush-faced, her head whipping around frantically. It took her a moment to register that she had been asleep, and all of that had been a dream. She coughed awkwardly, looking back at a worried Spencer Reid. "Huh? What?"

Spencer rose a brow, confused. "Are you okay? You started whimpering in your sleep; I think we must have passed out here during the last movie." 

Natalia blinked, coughing once more. "Uh- Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. Just a weird dream is all." she half explained. She remembered now; she'd passed out on Spencer's chest during the last Lord Of The Rings movie. "What time is it?"

Spencer eyed her curiously, but decided not to ask why she was turned on; for his sake and her own. He was a profiler; he knew the signs. Instead, he pulled out his phone and checked, humming. "It's 7:06. We still have about half an hour before we need to head to the office." he said, his eyes drifting over to her again. It was so hard for him not to; she looked absolutely fucking divine right now. 

He watched as she let out a heavy breath and ran a hand through her caramel brown hair, her blue eye and her green eye both contrasting the red in her cheeks. Her lips were wet and heated from her breathing, her tongue poking out to lick them every few seconds as she collected herself. He found it extremely hard to turn away as his gaze started wandering downward. Her nipples strained against the fabric of her tank top, which had shifted through the night to expose her softly tanned skin; and fuck, did he wish he could have his lips on her skin. 

He shook his head, turning away and standing up. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." he excused, before quickly dashing off and into her hallway bathroom. What the hell was he thinking? She was way, way to perfect for someone like him. 

Natalia watched him go before getting up herself, starting a coffee pot and downing some ice cold water to cool herself off. She knew she was attracted to Spencer; that had been obvious from day one. She couldn't do this though, there was no way he saw her that way. Besides, they'd only known each other a little over three weeks.


The two had remained quiet for about half of the morning and then, as if nothing happened, he smiled and began spouting off facts and statistics again, enjoying the back and forth flow of conversation he had with her. They ended up just relaxing back into their friendship, and pretending the whole thing hadn't happened; even if they were both very much still hung up on it.

Even so, as they walked into the office together, Spencer chuckled at her cute little habit of shifting her weight from hip to gorgeous hip. He swore she teased him with those hips; he'd do near anything for a chance o sink his fingers into the flesh around them, do hold her core to his- 

Fuck, he had it bad. He internally groaned over this as he watched her. She was so lovely. She was sweet, and funny, and playful, and kind...she was absolutely gorgeous inside and out, and he knew damned well that he had feelings for her. But...

The image of Morgan encouraging him popped into his head, and he took a breath. It wouldn't hurt to just try, right?

He coughed, following her into the elevator. "Hey uh..Nat? What are your plans after work?"

Natalia looked up at him, and rose a brow. "Nothing in particular, why do you ask Spence?"

Spencer shifted his weight, pressing his floor and hers, and then standing beside her. "Well...I was thinking that maybe, if I don't...yknow, get called off for a case that uh.." he licked his lips nervously. "M-Maybe we could go do something...together..?"

Natalia blushed softly, her eyes shifting to the tall, sexy man beside her. "Spencer...are you..asking me on a date?" 

"...Yes?" he squeaked, mentally stabbing himself for the way his voice crackled nervously.

Natalia felt her face get even warmer, and she grinned. "..Yes. Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you." she giggled.

"Okay thats fine, I completely under- Wait." he coughed, looking at her wide eyed. "You..? I?"

Natalia laughed, poking his side. "Relax, Spencer. I think we know each other well enough now and...well, I like you, so why not?"

Spencer felt himself get about a foot taller as he beamed at her, his grin taking up most of his face. "Great! Awesome, that's...oh my god, okay! Uhm , I'll see you after work then?" he asked, seeing her floor coming up.

"I'll see you after work Spencer. Think of something fun for tonight, okay?" she giggled, winking at him as the elevator stopped. 

Spencer watched her walk out, swallowing as the doors closed again. "Holy shit, I have a date with Natalia..."

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