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"Fuuuuck, I love pasta. Whoever invented pasta is literally my savior." 

Spencer laughed softly, watching her as she happily chewed on the chicken Alfredo she'd ordered for lunch; he'd gone with the same thing, after asking what she recommended. "While the Chinese have recordedly been making and eating noodles since around 3000B.C., what we know as Italian pasta wasn't introduced until 1271, when a man named Marco Polo brought the idea back with him from a trip to China."

The woman across from him swallowed her noodles and sipped her water, smiling as she did so. "See, I love that you're so full of facts and knowledge, Dr. Reid...but why do you know that?"

"Good question." he laughed, taking a bite of his own food before he tried to answer. He hummed, nodding. "Firstly you're right, thats is really good; now the reason I knew that was because I once did a paper on Marco Polo. He was-"

"An Italian Merchant who traveled to and from China on a regular basis; he also regularly explored new, uninhabited forests and jungles to find various new ingredients and spices when he could.  The game 'Marco Polo' came from his documented need to always be looking for the next big thing. I did not, however know that he introduced pasta to Italy."

Spencer's eyes softened, looking at her adoringly as she spoke, saying everything he was about to. "That's right."

Natalia grinned, chuckling to herself. "Its...nice to find somebody who shares my love for learning and knowing."

"Likewise. I really enjoy talking to you Natalia." Spencer grinned shyly, poking at his pasta. "I uhm...I'm not usually very good at social situations; but I was wondering if perhaps we could...maybe do this more often?"

Natalia smiled back, giggling as she looked at her plate. "I'd love that.." she hummed, taking her phone out. "Here; put in your number for me." she giggled, handing him her phone, blushing softly when he fumbled and panicked slightly. He was so cute. She could've sworn he was the most fascinating creature on the planet as his tongue dragged across his lower lip, his fingers easily typing in his number and name.

Spencer handed the device back to her, smiling as she instantly took it and texted him; his phone going off a moment later. He pulled it out and looked, chuckling softly.

Unknown: It is I, the pasta fiend! >:3

He smiled, putting her name to the number and then putting his phone away. "Perfect; now I can text you random facts at 3AM." he teased, grinning when she only laughed along. "So how did you get into Foreign Policy Analytics? With how physically fit you are I would have easier assumed you to be a field agent."

"Originally I was going to attempt joining the BAU." Natalia chuckled, loving how casually they could talk to each other as they ate. "However, I joined Foreign Policy because I didn't want people to think I got in on special circumstance; being close to Rossi and all. I already spoke five languages when I joined, and I've learned two more since; its sort of fun. I know the ins and outs of all the best inter-governmental gossip. Plus, I have friends in all the right countries if I ever get caught up in a less than desirable situation."

Spencer nodded along, understanding why she saw it as such. "Do you still want to join the BAU?"

Natalia rose a brow, chuckling. "Actually no; I love my job as it is. However Rossi did mention dragging me along in the future; I assume he'll be talking my boss into it. Besides...I'm not sure how I'd feel if I had to work along side you. I don't like mingling business and pleasure."

Spencer blushed deeply, chuckling under his breath. "I uh..."

"Relax, Spencer.." Natalia smiled, reaching over to lightly touch his wrist; careful not to touch his skin. "I'm not advancing; I still don't know you well enough for that."

He remained quiet for a moment, licking his lips before taking a sip of his coffee when her hand moved away. He knew she'd touched his shirt because she picked up on his germaphobe habits...but a large part of him wished she had touched his skin. "Perhaps we should get to know each other a little better, then..?" he asked, shyly looking at her over his coffee cup. He hoped she took his hints, because heaven knew he couldn't just out and admit his attraction to a woman like her. 

Luckily, Natalia noticed his meaning, and smiled shyly. She sipped her water, nodding. "Yeah, I'd like that. Though perhaps later on? We have to head back in about twenty minutes, and neither of us have finished eating." she laughed, her smile somehow bright and shy all at once.

Spencer couldn't remember a time he' been this focused on anyone; or even anything. It was like all his thoughts honed in on her, and their meal, and the way she smiled whenever she took a bite, as they finished up their lunch. He was so ready to jump at the chance to know her; to call her a friend, and if he was lucky, maybe even more. 

Perhaps that's why he didn't notice Rossi sitting three tables away; but oh, Rossi noticed them. And he couldn't help but smile at them as they talked, their hands moving as they did. He chuckled whenever one of the blushed, and wondered for a moment if this was the start of love; something that despite his four ex wives, Rossi was pretty well versed in. Yes, he thought so. He was sure that's if they weren't already, the two doctors would develop feelings for each other. 

Honestly, he should have seen it coming; he knew Natalia, and he knew Spencer; and he knew they'd be a damned good match. Perhaps not a perfect one; but one that could easily last a lifetime. 

Coffee & Pasta ||  S.R. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now