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The sounds of heavy footfalls, panting breaths, pounding fists, and coaches yelling were all background to Natalia as she stood in the gym, boxing with a punching bag. It had been five weeks since the incident. In thirteen days, she would be celebrating a year with Spencer. She was doing better; mostly healed, struggling less with mental stuff. Spencer had helped more than he even knew; even after he started traveling again for work.

She had ended up at the gym after breakfast this sunny late-summer morning, because she had needed to clear her mind. Spencer had been gone on a case for six days now. She missed him. She reached out to stop the black sandbag from swinging, holding it steady as she caught her breath for a few moments. 


Natalia looked up as Morgan called out to her, smirking when she saw him standing there with a confused looking Spencer, and a very excited Garcia. She jogged over, smiling wide and greeting Spencer with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey guys! Whats going on?"

"Spencer wasnt sure where you'd be and your phone is always in the locker room when we're here; figured I'd follow my hunch and bring these two by to see the side of you I know best." Morgan smirked, fist bumping her. See, while most of the team only saw Nat at the office, he was more familiar with Gym Rat Nat; a more-than-vaguely-threatening side to the woman. 

Natalia rose a brow at the three of them, and laughed softly. "Gotcha. You're welcome to stick around and watch; plus, Nick will be back soon and he can meet them." she smiled, taking a drink from her waterbottle.

Morgan nodded, and after grabbing his bag, moved past her. "I'll be back once I change."

Spencer watched as Nat just nodded to him. He hadnt really listened to what they were saying; he was too busy admiring how good she looked in work out leggings and a sports bra; even with the still-pink scars on her skin. "So this is the gym I hear you talk about but never visit?"

Natalia looked up at him and smiled, moving closer just so she could put her arm around his side. "Mhm, because geniuses arent made to exercise." she smirked, quoting something he had tried to use as an excuse not to learn hand-to-hand, forgetting that she too was a genius in her own right. 

Spencer groaned and lightly hip bumped her. "Shush. I gave in and learned, and it came in handy." 

"And how has your body felt since you started doing weekly exercises with me?"

"More energetic than ever." Spencer sighed, knowing she was right. 

"You dont have to be a gym rat baby, but everyone needs to exercise." Natalia smiled, pushing up onto her toes to kiss him, before she moved back to the punching bag. 

Garcia smiled as she moved to Spencer's side, watching Natalia start punching the bag again. "So you did know she's a gym buff?"

Spencer chuckled and nodded, letting his eyes wander down to her hips; perfectly hugged by the stretchy black fabric of her leggings. On one side, her maroon colored panties peeked over the edge of the waistband. He swallowed, turning to look around the gym instead. "I've known since we got together that she and Morgan go to the Gym in the mornings before work most days. The only exceptions are days when she has slow mornings with me; most days she leaves when I take my shower, since she showers here, and then we meet back up at the office."

"Wow, you two already have a routine down, huh?" Spencer and Garcia looked up at the new voice, a faint smell of cigarette smoke coming off of the purple haired, tan skinned man. He was a little shorter than Morgan; but not by much. "I'm Nick; I work with Nattie. I know you're the famed and beloved Spencer Reid, she keeps a picture of you two on her desk. And from Morgan's talking, can I assume you're Miss Penelope Garcia?" he smiled.

Garcia grinned and nodded. "Yes! That would be me, haha. Nice to meet you, I love your hair color. Where did you get it done?" 

Nick laughed and ruffled the purple curls on his head. "I dye it myself once or twice a month usually; makes life a little more fun and interesting, yknow?" he smirked. 

"Dont let this dumbass fool you my tech goddess, he owns a whole fucking salon." Morgan butt in, walking back over in his gym shorts and a muscle shirt. "He did hairstyling before he joined the FBI."

"Always gotta ruin my fun man, what the hell?" Nick scoffed, punching his shoulder and laughing it off. Now all in the right clothes, the three jocks of the offices moved on, warming up and then beginning to do some basic drills; some of the same ones Natalia used for him, some more advanced, and most of them a lot more vigorous than Nat usually went with him. 

As he sat with Garcia on the sidelines, he almost felt self conscious. She was in way better shape than him; but he also knew she didnt mind. She was always sure of that; she never expected him to commit to anything he wasnt interested in.

"How do they do that?" Garcia asked, leaning closer to him to whisper. Sure, she liked watching, since she got to look at attractive people working out, but she couldnt do that. She didnt have it in her.

"The way Nat explained it to me, is that for them its almost like watching a movie or reading a book for us; they get to just shut their mind off without losing focus of reality. Its stress relief, basically."

"Except in a healthier form. Fair, but I'll stick to my shows thanks." Garcia chuckled.

Spencer smiled, seeing them heading toward the locker rooms again. It had been about an hour since they had arrived. " talk to Nat about woman stuff right? Like...what style of clothes she likes to wear and whatever else?"

Garcia furrowed his brow at his question, but nodded. "Yeah, sort of. When we do talk, its usually about stuff like that at least. Of all of us though, you, Rossi, and Morgan are closest to her."

Spencer chuckled and nodded. "Would you mind helping me with a plan?"

Garcia stilled and grinned. "What plan?"

"For our one year, I have something...kinda big planned out. Most of it is already taken care of; but I want her to look and feel as perfect as she is to me for that night. I dont know anything about women's fashion, and I usually just see her in her normal shirt and skirt or jeans."

"You need me to help her find a nice dress and whatnot?" Garcia asked, getting more excited by the moment. 

Spencer laughed softly, nodding. "Yes. Dont worry about buying anything just yet because I know she'll just be saying 'why would you spend so much money on a dress you'll wear once maybe every six months' like she always does. I just need you to get her to look around, and see what style she likes, maybe have her try some on. She probably wont want to spend money on it, but you can lead me back to which ever one she liked the most and I can get it for her."

Garcia's jaw went a little slack at his scheme, and then she grinned. "You're sly when you need to be, Dr. Reid. Let me guess, once you have the dress you can handle things like shoes, accessories, and other stuff?"

"I know her sizes, favorite colors, preference in jewelry, and I know she has four or five really nice blazers and jackets if she picks something that needs one; so yes."

"Im in. I'll tell her I need some retail therapy and JJ was busy."

"Thanks Garcia."

The bubbly woman laughed, standing up and grabbing her purse as Morgan came back over with Nick, Natalia following a few steps behind. "Just watch me work my magic boy wonder." she smiled, waiting until the group had reassembled to move t stand beside Morgan and Natalia. "How about we all go get something to eat? None of us are supposed to work today, right?"

Nick chuckled and shrugged. "No, but I will have to pass on that dolly; I've got a date in about an hour." 

"Oh! Well, have fun with your date then, it was great meeting you!"

"You two Penelope; have a good night, see you around guys." Nick chuckled, waving as he took out his phone and walked off.

Garcia looked at the three of them again, and when she got confirmation from everyone else, she grinned and lead the way. Getting another woman to see the wonders of just trying things on because you think they're pretty? Her specialty.

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