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Spencer sighed heavily as everyone got up from the round table, and he followed suit. They had a case. Of course they had a case. 

"Whats got you down Reid?" Morgan asked, raising a brow at him as they headed toward the bullpen to get their things.

Spencer looked up, seeing Rossi and Emily had also peeked over in interest; JJ was listening, but not looking. He paused; he didn't want to tell them about his date yet. They'd tease him. "I was suppose to hang out with Natalia after work. I'll have to take a raincheck." 

Rossi rose a brow, smiling. "We've got fifteen minutes kid, go see her to explain. She'll understand." 

"I'm sure whatever nerdy conversations you two would have had can happen over the phone or when we get back, Pretty boy." Morgan smirked, teasingly raising his eyebrows as Spencer flushed a bit and grabbed him bag.

"I'll be back in a minute of two." Spencer claimed, scurrying toward the elevator, ignoring the cheers and quips of his coworkers. He pressed the button for her floor, and stood still in the middle, taking a breath. Natalia would understand. 

He looked up from the elevator as it opened, and instantly saw her there at her desk. He hadn't been to her office space before. He watched wearily as he walked, seeing a man with tanned skin, blonde hair, and a chiseled face nudge her and point to him. Natalia shoved him in a playful manor as she stood up; he had teased her. 

Natalia's mismatched eyes peered at him and he felt his entire being react to her as he came closer. She was so gorgeous. 

"Hey Spencer. Is everything alright?" Natalia asked, her eyebrows knitting together as she looked up at his taller form. "It isnt even close to lunch break."

"Uh, yeah." Spencer smiled, albeit tensely. "Nat, we uh..."

"Case?" she asked, her face falling a bit.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I'll have to take a raincheck on that date. I'm so sorry-"

"Dr. Spencer Reid, you better stop apologizing right now mister." she scoffed, her hands resting on her hips. His eyes drifted there momentarily, before meeting hers again. "You have a job that you love doing, and I'll still be here when you get back. Go save people, you genius super hero you." she teased, her delicate hands reaching out to absentmindedly fix his shirt collar.

Spencer felt his body still and her breathing hitch as her body got so close to his; and then he beamed, realizing that no matter how attracted he was to her, she was still his friend too. "Yeah yeah. And you keep world peace while I'm gone alright? No wars until I get back." he chuckled, mentally noting the black nail polish on her fingertips. That hadn't been there when they'd arrived at work?

Natalia giggled and nodded, stepping back. "No promises Spencer." she smiled, relaxing back into one hip. She grinned and bit her lip as he walked to the elevator, watching his legs as he went. She jumped slightly, realizing something. "Spencer!"

He turned back, looking at her with a confused gaze. "Huh?"

"Keep calling me Nat. I liked that." she grinned, blushing softly as he blushed full on, awkwardly turning and hiding his face with a shy agreement before he went back into the elevator.

"Well aren't you just cute and cozy." 

Natalia looked at her coworker, Jason Elliot, and scoffed, walking to and sitting down at her desk. "Shut up Jason."

"Seriously, its nice to see you actually interested in a man. I almost thought you were a lesbian."

"And if I was?"

Jason's jaw dropped, his blue eyes widening. "Are you serious?"

"Bitch I might be." Natalia sassed, and then instantly they broke out into a fit of laughter. "No, I really do like him. I told you, he's amazing..."

"Ah yes, I know. Heart eyes and shit over his intelligence and his personality and the geeky shit you two do. Makes me wanna barf. You up for pizza and karaoke bars with Sasha and I tonight then?"

"I suppose. Gotta make sure you and your wife don't get into a car accident again."

"That was once!"

"But it did happen."


Spencer sighed as he flopped on the hotel room bed, relaxing after the long day. His head kept wandering back to Natalia and how he was missing out on a possible date. He groaned, hugging one of the pillows tightly and staring at his phone. It was 9:17 back home. Surely she was still up...

He grabbed it without letting himself think again, and quickly texted her.

Spencer: Hey Natalia, how was work? I just got into the hotel.

It took her a few minutes, but she replied to him, making him jump and smile. 

Natalia: Hey Spencer, work went fine. No wars yet. Are you by yourself?

Spencer: Yeah, why?

Spencer had only just went to close the chat bubble when his phone began to ring, with her name on the caller ID. He panicked for a moment, wondering what to do; and then he instinctively picked up, pressing the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Spencer! Figured this might be easier, plus it gives me a reason not to sing."

He could hear her giggle, and the laugher and singing in the background. "Are you out right now?"

"Yeah; my coworker invited me for karaoke and dinner at the little karaoke bar by the strip mall on Anderson street."

"The one who was next to you earlier today?" Spencer asked, his voice lowering without his knowledge as he felt a familiar sting of jealousy.

"Yeah, that would be Jason Elliot. He's kind of like my partner in crime in my department; he and his wife are celebrating their anniversary and invited me as a designated driver." Natalia giggled, reassuring him as she head the edge in his voice. 

"Oh, alright then. I take it you'll be out awhile?"

"Yep; but I have pizza, and now I have you on the phone with me, so I'll be alright I think. How was your day?"

"Exhausting." Spencer sighed, letting himself relax. Natalia had that effect on him; he felt like it was safe to relax around her. "Its got to do with children, so everybody is on edge."

"Im sorry Spencer. If I could help I would.."

He laughed, laying back on his bed and closing his eyes. "You already are Nat. "


"Yeah; you helped the moment you replied to my text; and then even more by calling, as unexpected as it was. I feel like I can relax around you, you actually listen and engage. Its nice..most people don't do that, they get annoyed by my statistics and facts and whatever else."

"I find it endearing; and honestly I ramble too so give and take." 

Her laugh had him melting into the covers, and he smiled tiredly. He loved her voice. It was so soft and soothing, almost angelic in tone and pitch. "Can you talk me to sleep?" Spencer mumbled, his eyelids already drooping. "Your voice is so relaxing..."

"Uh? I guess so." Natalia giggled. She knew that he wasn't thinking about what he was saying; but she liked that he was comfortable around her. "Did you know that stiletto heels were originally invented for women in the 1940's because they weren't allowed to carry weapons; and a stiletto could be used as a knife of sorts. In fact, the word stiletto comes from Latin and Italian roots, and can actually also mean a small, tapered blade. I usually don't wear them but they've very effective-"

Spencer smiled, just letting her ramble as he dozed off. He loved her voice.

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