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"Alright, Rossi and Morgan head downtown to visit the latest crime scene. JJ, you come with me to the station, get a hold of the press. Conceal the identity of the survivor, and keep as much information as you can from the media. Prentiss, I want you to start interviewing family members of the victims; start with members of the latest victim, and work your way backwards. Reid, you go with Natalia to the hospital and talk to the survivor. Everyone meet back at the station as soon as you're finished."

With a round of 'yes sir's, everyone followed Aaron off the plane, and into various government vehicles. Spencer lead his way to a car, stealing the drivers seat before Natalia had the chance, and started it up. Rossi and Morgan got into a separate car, while JJ, Emily, and Aaron got in the third one. 

Natalia slipped into the passenger side, the file still in hand, and buckled in. As Spencer began to pull away from the air strip and off into town, she glance at him. " you think Aaron knows anything?"

"Its unlikely. He'd want to put you with one of the people you're most comfortable with on the team; so Rossi, Morgan, or me. Rossi and Morgan are way better at a crime scene than I am, which left me. Im usually at the station working papers and a map for a geographical profile and any paper trails, cultural clues, or similar things for the profile."

"Right. I'll try to be as brief as possible with Miss Hanse. Do you have a notepad I could use? I didnt get the luxury of a go-bag, I work in an office cubicle almost all of the time."

Spencer laughed softly, nodding. "Yeah, in my bag. Front left pocket love."

Natalia blushed, smiling softly as she grabbed his bag and opened it. She saw the picture first, which made her grin; and then she grabbed the little notepad. "Thanks. I can take notes so I dont have to try and translate to you." she hummed. 

Spencer nodded. The car was quiet for a few minutes, before he licked his lip, and spoke again. "Do you wanna discuss it now? So we to act?"

"Its probably best to get it out of the way, yeah. Pros...they'd know that if anything happens, we need to be in the know about one another. We wouldnt have to actively hide it."

"We could be affectionate, as long as we dont get distracted. We also wouldnt have to make excuses for seeing each other all the time."

Natalia nodded, looking to the road ahead again. "Cons...they might not support it, since we work in this field."

"They'd definitely tease us nonstop, at least. Hotch might think it'll interfere with our ability to work and think straight. It could become dangerous for you if any unsub ever found out-" Spencer cut himself off, frowning deeply. "...That one scares me the most."

The car went quiet as the two thought about that. Natalia reached over the console to put her hand on his leg, squeezing gently. "..It scares me too." She murmured. It took her a few seconds to continue. "It could be dangerous for both of us.."

"However...if anything actually did happen...wouldn't it be better for them to know, so the team will think of that?"

Natalia bit her lip, looking at him. "Maybe...but, if we hide it, we might be able to prevent it from ever happening.."

Spencer went quiet, watching traffic at a red light. He knew she was right. On one hand, the easiest way to keep her safe was to hide the romantic side of their relationship. He wanted to keep her safe. On the other he knew the best way to know she was safe under any circumstance, was for his team to know she was involved with him. The thought of some unsub using her as a bargaining chip terrified him; but if it ever did happen, the team would need to know. 


He looked at her for a split second, and then looked at the road again. "We should keep it between us, for now, I think. Try to think things over more and weigh our options. Once we've cleared our thoughts a little more, we can decide.."

Natalia smiled. "Okay. That sounds good." she hummed. She focused back on the road, her hand still on his leg as they pulled up to the hospital. Once they were parked, she grabbed his hand, looking at him. "We'll be okay. Dont let this dilemma impede your work, okay?"

Spencer relaxed slightly, smiling back at her. "Okay."

She giggled, leaning over to lightly kiss his lips, lingering a moment or two before pulling away. "We've got this. You and I make a great team; now lets go solve this case." 

Spencer grinned as he watched her get out of the car, grabbing her bag and his. "Yeah..." he whispered, getting out and locking the car, clearing his head as he followed her into the hospital. He watched how professionally she handled the nurses, seeming to know the drill already, and within minutes they were in the surviving victim's room. He nodded to a leaving nurse as Natalia grabbed a chair, and sat down. 

"Hej, jag heter Natalia. Får jag ställa några frågor om vad som hände?"

"åh! Du talar svenska tack vare himlen. Jag är så förvirrad, alla talar med konstiga ord, jag kommer inte ihåg dem.."

"Jag förstår hur hårt det här måste vara. Kommer du ihåg mycket av vad som hände?"

"Jag ... Jag minns en man. Han var skrämmande. Han ... gjorde dåliga saker mot mig ... Jag var sömnig."

"Jag förstår. Kommer du ihåg hur han såg ut?"

"Han var lång och muskulös. Han hade...blont hår, långt hår och ett rakat skägg. Hans ögon var...blå, tror jag."

Spencer watched Natalia jot some things down on his notepad, while asking the woman some clarifying questions. He couldnt understand them, but he could tell that the woman felt comforted by Natalia, even as she asked questions about the horrific events. Her mismatched eyes trained on the woman as she nodded along, and at one point reached out to put her hand on the woman's, rubbing her skin with her thumb. 

Natalia let her have a few moments to collect herself after describing the event, before continuing. "Hur kom du undan?"

"Min hund attackerade honom och han sprang bort. Han är en bra pojke! Snälla lägg inte ner honom..."

Natalia let out a small coo sound, and shook her head. "Nej, vi satte inte ner honom eftersom han skyddade dig fröken Hanse. Är han säker hemma?"

"Han är med min mamma."

"Okej." Natalia ended, writing down a note and tearing it out of Spencer's notepad. She folded it up and handed it to Julietta. "Här; ge detta till sjuksköterskan om du behöver prata med mig igen, okej? Vila nu."

"Tack så mycket."

"Det är min ära." Natalia smiled as she stood up, heading out with Spencer. 

Spencer waited until they were back in the car to say anything; starting up a small chat with only a few words. "Did you get any use-able information?"

Natalia nodded, looking around as they started the drive back. "I did. I'll tell everyone together when we get back, though."

Spencer chuckled, nodding. "Okay..." Natalia's pen on his notepad was the only sound for a bit, before he commented again. "You're very good with victims."

Natalia's face fell a bit. "Ah...mostly because I know how to console them. I was one of them, way back when."

Spencer frowned, nodding. "I help so many people now, though. You're unbelievably strong."

She smiled, chuckling softly. "Thanks, Spencer."

"Its only the truth, Nat. Strong, smart, and beautiful..." he hummed. He didnt say it out loud; but his mind did wonder how someone so amazing had chosen to be with someone like him.

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