reassure you of my love [f]

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Age 20

Mike wiped a bead of heavy sweat from his brow and sighed. He ran a clammy hand through his unruly hair.

"El" he began, "I wanted to know if i could ask you something... I er, well I guess I just wanted to reassure you of my love, for you. I love you so much. So much. And I have since I was 12."

"I remember when we found you in that storm, my heart stopped because I thought it was Will- at first. But then my flashlight illuminated your skin and I swear it made your eyes shine so bright. Against Lucas and Dustin's advice, I insisted that we bring you back to mine. Giving you shelter was the best thing I have ever done, except for maybe telling you this now.

"El, I fell in love with you during that week. The others thought I was crazy, I was obsessed with you. And when" he stuttered, "when you disappeared I felt so broken. Empty. For a while I felt like there was no point in continuing to live. But I never gave up hope that you'd return. Never. And I clung to that so desperately it was my lifeline. Every time I even briefly thought about, you know, what happens after, I knew I couldn't do it because you'd be so sad when you returned and I wasn't there"

Tears began to fall freely down his cheeks and he made no attempt to brush the aside. His raw emotion was unusual, only El had ever seen him like this.

"The day that you walked through that door, dressed in that stupid punk outfit, that for some reason made you look so beautiful, I knew I couldn't lose you ever again. I remember everything about that day, from your slick backed hair, to your badass makeup. We made another promise that day. You promised me that I wouldn't ever lose you and I believed you. Goddammit El I believed you so bad. I wanted to believe you because I didn't want to imagine a world without you in it.

"And then, then we went to the Snowball together, and we danced, and you looked beautiful and I wanted to tell you I loved you but I was a nervous idiot who didn't have the courage. We kissed and I remember feeling like I was flying. You rested your forehead against my chin and I'm telling you El, I was the happiest guy on earth during that moment.

"Do you remember when we first met, and I tried to touch your tattoo? You flinched and didn't even let me touch you. But in the space of a short week, you trusted me enough to let me kiss you. And I don't know what I ever did to deserve your trust but I can tell you that I'm so grateful for it.

"The months after the Snowball were some of the best of my whole life. We were together, officially and I could call you mine. The day that I finally asked you to be my girlfriend will always be a favourite memory"

January 1st 1985
After weeks of convincing, Mike had finally pursued Hopper to let El out of the cabin to watch the fireworks welcome the new year. They sat on the roof of the wooden house and watched the fireworks behind the trees. As the big clock struck midnight, Mike had a surge of confidence and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling El in for a sweet kiss. It was short and innocent, like their previous two kisses were.

When Mike pulled back, he looked deep into her eyes, pressing his forehead against hers lovingly, "El, I've been meaning to ask you something"

El smiled up at him, watching his face contort slightly form nerves.

"Um I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend, officially. Like Nancy and Jonathon. So I'd be your boyfriend, if that's what you want. And I'd take you out on dates when Hopper lets me and we'd have so much fun" he rambled. "If he doesn't let me that's ok too because I'd bring my dates to you. We'd sit in your room and I'd bring over a picnic, or we could watch a movie on your TV. Even listening to music in your radio. I'm fine with anything if it means I'm with you because I honestly don't care. I just want you to be happy. That's all I care about. I'll give you a chance to think about your answer because I don't..."

"Mike" El silenced him, putting her hand over his mouth with a giggle. "My answer is yes. I don't need time to know that my answer is yes. It will always be yes"

Then swept up in the euphoria of the moment, they both met their lips in the middle, pressing them firmly together. Following nothing more than his instincts, for he really had no idea what he was doing, Mike slowly moved his lips against hers.

He felt her gasp against his lips before relaxing into his kiss and reciprocating it with equal passion.

"I've you so much El and I know I tell you every day, but no amount of times will ever be enough for me to reassure you of the extent of my love. I literally cannot imagine my life without you, I need to be with you. It's like something's missing when we're apart. Going to work is one of my biggest challenges because it means we're parted for 8, sometimes 10 hours at a time. Coming home to you after a long day is the highlight of my day.

"When I can physically show you my love, I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet. To think that I'm the only one who can see you like that. I'm the only one who's allowed to touch you in that way. I feel special and I thank you for that. I know I'm not worthy at all to be that lucky guy, but you chose me and I'll honour your choice no matter how wrong I think it is.

"Yet I'm selfish, and even though you deserve better than me, I can't keep myself away from you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you El, and for that reason I'm going to ask you this. Jane Ives, Eleven, El Hopper...

"Will you marry me?"

This was going to go so many different ways while I was writing it! Sorry if it's really bad, I was trying to mimic Mike's nerves in my writing by changing my style slightly.

- Ok so first, Mike was supposed to be practicing his speech in his mirror, not actually talking to El herself.
- Then half way into writing it I thought that El was going to be dead and Mike as talking to her gravestone.
I don't know which would have been the been better so I guess I left it open ended, it's up to you.

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