try to move on [a]

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Potential Trigger Warning.

Age 18

"Arrest him! For fuck sake it's not difficult!" Mike yelled angrily, slamming his fists onto the table in front of him.
Hopper groaned, burying his head in his hands for the fifth time in twenty minutes, "I've told you already kid. It's not that easy without evidence"

Mike shook his head, "I don't care. He shouldn't get away with this. There has to be something you can do"

"Trust me Mike" Hopper sighed, using Mike's name for once to show his sincerity. He lowered his voice in a pathetic attempt to not disturb El in the other room. "I wish I could shoot the guy, let alone arrest him. But I simply can't. Not without-"

"-evidence. Yeah, yeah I get it. It's just bullshit, everything is"

The two men sat in silence for a few minutes, both of them desperate but completely out of ideas. Finally, Hopper broke the quiet.

"Look. I'll get a guy to help me on the case outside of work hours. But I just can't promise anything. I think, I think El's just got to move on"

For some reason that struck a nerve in Mike.
El's got to move on.
Why should she have to move on? She deserve justice. But another thought dawned on Mike as he dwelled on Hopper's words, that would mean that he too, had to move on. And he wasn't sure that he could.

"Fuck that" Mike yelled as his eyes welled up with tears. For once he wasn't worried about crying in front of the man he admired.
"Fuck Aaron" Mike choked, "fuck what he did to El, fuck evidence. Nothing about this is fair!"

By the end of his outburst, Mike had been fully reduced to tears.

Hopper watched his daughters boyfriend sob for a few seconds, before he shifted his body from his chair, standing up to embrace the lanky limbed boy.

Mike clung to his body as he sobbed, finally letting out all that he'd been holding inside for the last week. A week of built up anger, devastation and hopelessness finally caused him to come crashing back down again.
Hopper held him in silence, giving him the time he needed to simply cry.

Suddenly, Mike felt the strong, muscular arms release him from their grip. He felt a smooth hand cup his cheek and instead he found himself wrapped tightly in the embrace of his girlfriend. He didn't need to open his eyes to know it was her, he just knew.

He clung to her small frame like she was going to disappear any second, burying his head into the side of her neck and sobbing on her shoulder.

El sighed, her father looked at her sympathetically. He offered her a sad smile before he left the couple alone, departing to his bedroom and shutting the door behind him.

Mike listened to the footsteps on the floorboards, knowing he was gone when he heard the door creak shut. He was vaguely aware of El leading him to the coach, hiccuping as she pushed him onto it. El plonked her body straight onto his lap, angling herself sideways so she could look at him.

Cupping his wet cheeks between her palms, El kissed his nose lightly. Mike looked at her, hiccuping again while trying to control his sobs.

"Ssh Mike" El hummed, kissing his nose again, "it's ok. I'm ok. You don't need to worry about me"

Mike shook his head, finally stopping his crying as he looked up at her amazing brown eyes. "You're brave. That doesn't mean he should get away with it"
El was about to open her mouth to say some more, when Mike cut her off. "I want to kill him when I think about what he did to you. The way he t-touched you" he shuddered, nuzzling into her shoulder.

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