try to move on (ii)

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By request- here's a part 2

"Look El, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can just drop the-"

"No dad" El sighed, "I can do this"
Mike squeezed her hand comfortingly. The trio were currently stood in the hallway of Hawkins Police Station.

In the three long, agonising weeks since that party, El had never quite been the same. Sure, she was still her cheerful, happy self, but Mike saw past that.
He knew her too well to fall for the positive  persona she portrayed all the time.

He noticed the absence of the glint in her beautiful brown eyes, the lack of the twitch that tugged her upper lip when she truly laughed. While she was still extremely clingy and touchy with Mike, (if anything, more than before), he has noticed her recoil away from contact with others.

Last night the party had gathered at Mike's house to watch a movie when Lucas had plonked himself next to El on the couch.
"You don't mind if me and Max squish on the end next to to you, do you El?" The chocolate skinned boy had questioned her.
Immediately, Mike had felt the brunette tense next to him.

Less than five minutes later, El made an excuse to leave for the toilet and when she returned, she sat the other side of Mike.

The small act of avoidance went unnoticed by everyone else in the room- except Mike. When it came to El, he noticed everything.

Putting a secure arm tightly around her for the remainder of the movie, Mike just cradled her in his arms. He needed her to feel safe again.

Because as much as he despised the words: El had changed.

He knew it. And it broke his heart into a million pieces.

Today, El was finally filing charges against Aaron. In terms of evidence, well, let's just say that when Mike found the bruises on her body, he decided it was enough to get the case rolling again.

After a lot of convincing, El allowed him to borrow Jonathon's camera to snap a few photos.
She would have asked Jonathon himself, but she remembered she would have to take off her dress and then quickly figured Mike was the best guy for the job.

The amateur photographer captured the four bruises that scattered across her hips and waist. His stomach churned at the vile thought of that monster touching his girl. On one particular bruise, Mike could identify the placement of Aaron's individual fingers- and he wanted to snap each of them one by one.

El was brave throughout the whole process. She answered all of her fathers questions for her statement, let Mike take the photos and ultimately went back to her normal life in the meantime.

Or, at least that's how it seemed.

In reality she was crying herself to sleep every night. Screaming into her pillow which somewhat muffled her cries.

One particular night, Hopper worked late on paperwork, leaving El alone to dwell on her struggles. She didn't want to call Mike because she didn't want to bother him and she wanted him to think she was brave.

Half an hour later, a knock at the door startled her. Swinging her legs off her bed, she shuffled to the door. Impatiently, Mike awaited the turning of the door handle on the other side.

When they were finally face-to-face, El blinked in confusion.
"What are you-"
"Your dad called me" Mike answered honestly, stepping inside the cosy home. "Asked me to keep you company. Neither of us want you to be alone"

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