placing bets [f]

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Mike and El have a secret relationship. None of the party know.

Age 14

The young couple were laying on El's bed in silence. Mike was gently stroking her hair as she sighed from contentment.

"I love you" El mumbled, with her eyes closed.
Mike was thankful she didn't see the blood rush to his cheeks as soon as she uttered those three words. He couldn't hide the grin that graced his face, curving his lips into a tight smile.
"I love you too"
He kissed her temple gently and she snuggled into his side, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

A knock at the door startled them and Mike lept from the bed in a fluster.
"I thought you said Hopper wouldn't be home yet?" He panicked.
El shook her head, "it isn't Hopper, it wasn't his special knock"

Slowly Mike shuffle to he door, opening it hesitantly until he saw the face behind it. He opened it wide and smiled, "oh hey Dustin, hi guys"
The party all smiled back at him, Lucas and Dustin smirked at each other.
"Told you he would be here" Dustin mumbled as they stepped through the doorway into the small wooden cabin.

They all greeted El with happy smiles when Mike questioned this. "Why did you tell him I was already here?"
Lucas shrugged nonchalantly, "well when we were coming over, Will asked if we should stop off at yours first to tell you but Dustin bet that you'd already be here. And you were"

Mike blushed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh yeah, I had to pick something up because I left it here last week, right El?"
The brunette nodded certainly, smiling and offering her friends a drink.

Dustin pulled Lucas aside, "I bet you that Mike will ask her out by the end of the week"
The chocolate skinned boy smirked, "oh yeah, how much?"
The two boys shook hands, "deal, if Mike hasn't asked her out by Friday, pay up"

They re-joined the group and the party sat around El's bedroom, Max and El sat crossed legged on her bed and the boys sat along the floor, leaning against various items of furniture. Subtlety Mike edged closer to El, leaning his back against her bedside table as an excuse to rest his arm on her bed.

The three other teenage boys snickered to themselves, Will had been filled in on the bet, and although he pledge no money, he agreed with Dustin and believe that 'mileven' would be official by the weeks end.

Unfortunately, for them that is, 'mileven' as they called it, was already a much thriving relationship. The budding romance had been blossoming ever since the snowball dance in 1984, however Mike had only asked the question at the start of the summer a month ago.

Despite this, neither of the couple had told any of the party because they knew they would be teased. Max and Lucas' weren't teased because their relationship was ridiculous at this point. They both liked each other but neither of them would admit their feelings because it made them 'too vulnerable'. So instead they danced around the other like frightened school kids.


After the party had already been at El's for an hour, the boys finally seized an opportunity to catch Mike alone to talk to him. They were outside in the front drive when Lucas finally asked the question.

"Dude what the hell is taking you so long?"
Mike frowned and furrowed his brow, "what's taking me so long?"
Dustin giggled like a little girl, "ask El out! We all know she'll say yes if you do, what's stopping you?"

Mike stuttered, should he confess? He panicked at the thought because he figured they'd be upset at him for lying- so he decided to lie more. "Um I don't know. I guess I just haven't found the right time?"

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