Chapter 10

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AN: watch the video on the side :)



Skylar's POV

"No.. Not that... Anything but that! " I pretended to be scared, and Harry giggled.

"Sorry Skylar, but that is your punishment! " Harry held the tube of bright blue lipstick even closer. I heard Ashton squirm from the chair next to me, Lauren probably torturing him too.

We made the mistake of suggesting the kids give us makeovers for the sake of something to do at Ashton's house, and that led us to be cornered in chairs, Harry caking my face in makeup of outrageous colors (I decided not to ask where he got them...) and Lauren doing whatever she wants with Ash's poor face.

I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself, as Harry told me he was done. I heard Lauren say the same thing to Ashton and decided to open my eyes.

I came face to face with Ashton... or what used to be Ashton, and couldn't help but laugh loudly at his new look.

His normally messy curls were clipped back by sparkly pony shaped barrettes, making his eyes stand out. His eyes that were outlined with liquid eyeliner, with long fake lashes stuck on. Pink eyeshadow was smeared on his face too, going up to his eyebrows. His eyebrows were colored in with black pencil, giving him a surprised expression that made him look quite deranged. Lastly, his lips were a bright red, which, scarily enough, kinda suited him...

Ash opened his mouth wide, laughter making his shoulders shake, and I could see some lipstick had got on his teeth. I was curious to know what I looked like, so I twirled around to face the mirror and blanched. Glitter decorated my dark brown waves, and my bangs were pushed out of my face by an orange hair tie, making me look like I had a horn sticking out of my forehead. My eyebrows seemed normal enough, but my eyes were almost unrecognizable. Loads of mascara made my eyes look goth like, and neon green eyeshadow made my eyes, which I considered my best features, look dull. Bright blue lipstick was applied messily to my lips, Harry going way past the lines, giving me a clown look.

"Oh Skye, green is so not your color hun," Ashton said, imitating a snobby girl accent, striking a pose, hand on hip. I cracked up, showing bright blue teeth. Then, spotting Lauren and Harry laughing silently in the corner, exchanging high fives, I got a great idea.

"Hey Ash, we should thank Lauren and Harry for our makeovers. They did a wonderful job, they deserve it." Ash smirked, obviously noticing the hint of mischief in my (green highlighted) eyes.

"How should we thank them? I really really love my new look, a simple 'thanks' isn't enough." I turned the little monsters, whose smiles faltered at our conversation.

"I think they deserve something really great, as great as our makeup...maybe... a kiss?" I smirked as they turned to each other, their horror reflected in each other's faces, then ran off. "GET 'EM!"

Ashton ran after Lauren, chuckling, and I narrowed my eyes, trying to locate my own target. I caught a flash of white, Harry's sneakers, and set off after him, making kissing sounds through my giggles and snorts and holding my arms out wide.

I heard a shriek from Lauren and glanced at them to see Ashton holding her over his shoulder, kissing her cheeks and forehead, leaving bright red marks. I was about to go after the other rascal when I saw Lauren wriggling out of his grasp and putting her arms around his neck, trying to put him in a head lock. i shook my head at them and tried to track down Harry again. I heard a loud thud, possibly him tripping on the stairs, and grinned in accomplishment, tip toeing carefully.

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