Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to You

Please read the full A/N at the end :)



Ashton's POV

".....Five Seconds of Summer!"

I heard a faint smattering of applause and whistles as the guy announced our band.

Luke, Calum, Michael and I were backstage, getting ready. Well, getting me and the computer ready.

What computer, you ask? Just you wait and see.

I took a deep breath as Luke gave me the thumbs up sign. Calum handed me a microphone.

"You better not screw this up." He warned. I nodded quickly and he smiled. "Good luck."

The guy on stage gestured behind him, which was my cue to walk on stage. I walked with my head down, so as not to meet anyone's, more importantly Skylar's, eyes.

Laine, who was the only one in on my plan other than the boys, had been asked to make sure Skylar was in the first few rows. I glanced up for a split second when I reached center stage to confirm that she did what I asked. She did, and both girls were ready.

Step two was to get myself confident enough to actually talk on stage, which I was working on now.

Thinking of Skylar, I mustered up the courage to look up. I purposely kept my gaze on the back, still not prepared to meet her eyes.

"Um... Hi everybody,er, " I cleared my throat. "I know you guys were expecting to hear our band play tonight, but there's been a little change of plans, I suppose you could say." I laughed nervously.

"Alright, so most of you know me. I'm Ashton Irwin. I'm the drummer, in Five Seconds of Summer-" I caught Michael's look of 'hurry it up' and decided to stop stalling. "-But we're not here to talk about the band now." I chanced a look at the front, and there she was. She was looking at me, confusion and a bit of angry sadness in her eyes. I kept her gaze as I spoke next.

"I've done something, really really bad recently. It made me lose one of the most important things in my life, and the itch to punch myself for it has been eating me out for weeks now. So I'm here now to try and make up for it." I began to feel more relaxed when Skylar still hasn't turned away, but jot quite. "No, I'm not going to sing you a song I wrote especially. You like cliche, with all the lovey moments and stuff, but I figured I should do something more personal. More special and sincere."

I snapped my fingers to signal to Luke. "I hope you know I'm really, truly sorry, Skylar Martin."

And the slideshow began.

Skylar's POV

I stood frozen as the big screen at the front of the gym lit up.

Be The One by The Fray started playing in the background, just as the first picture appeared on the screen.

They're two lovers in the night

Waiting for the sun to rise...

"This was from that first night, when we had dinner together." Ashton was saying. The picture showed Ashton whispering in my ear on the porch of my house, and me with my eyes widened. It was taken from what looked like Anne's phone. "I remember the exact words I said to you. You were such a mystery to me back then, and I just had to get to know you more..."

The picture changed, showing more sweet memories. There goes the picture of me and Ashton on the night of the Halloween party, taken from my camera. I knew it had gone missing again, and turns out I was right.

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