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We arrive to this beautiful island. Arthur slowly and careful places me on the ground. I look at the ocean and whisper, "Wow..." Arthur goes near me. "It's so beautiful," I mutter under my breath. "So beautiful," Arthur whispers. I look at him and see him looking at me. Is he describing me?

I smile shyly before bowing my head. Arthur slowly grabs my chin and lifts my face. He puts a strand of my hair on my ears.

My heart explodes at his gesture. We are so near to each other. I want to connect my lips at his. But... maybe he doesn't like me. I might destroy the friendship we already built.

Arthur clears his throat and hands me his trident. "Can I?" I ask for permission. He nods. So I slowly reach for it and grip it. I examine the trident with awe. It's beautiful.

"Let's train," he says to me and I tilt my head, "Train?" "I'm going to show you how to handle the trident," he smiles at me. I jump up and down in excitement. "Cool!" I squeal. Arthur just chuckles at me.

"I am going to teach you the basic spin," he starts the training. He motions his hand into a spin. I try to copy his moves, but fail which makes me frown.

Arthur must notice my sadness. So he walks to me. He presses his body against mine and holds my hand. I can hear our hearts beats sync. It both beats faster than normal speed.

Does he feel the same thing as I have? Does he like me? Is it true? Or my mind is just fooling me.

"Arthur..." I breathe out. He connects his gold eyes with my black ones. "Crystal..." he whispers. Our faces moves toward each others. Only an inch away, I would touch his.

Unfortunately, a dolphin squirts at us. We both flinch at the cold contact of water. I face the dolphin and shout, "Tara!" The naughtiest dolphin I know squirts on us again. I put my hands on my waist and give her a death stare. It only squeaks at us before leaving.

"Sorry about that," I apologize to Arthur. "No, it's fine," he waves his hands. I give him an apologetic look before resuming our training.

Arthur taught me basic moves. He such a sweetheart, always concern when I accidentally hit myself with the trident. He is a great teacher I must say.

I flip the trident at my back and lunge it at him. "Woah!" he says at me. I stick it in the sand. I giggle and smile at him. "Thank you Arthur," I thank him. "You are very welcome Crystal," he says as I hand him his trident.

We sit on the sand and admire the gorgeous sunset. I lean on Arthur shoulder and sigh. "What a lovely view," I huff out. Arthur kisses my forehead and say to me, "You are lovelier."

His compliment makes me blush so I hide my face in my hands. He grab my face from my hands. "Cryst, your beautiful when you blush," he remarks which makes me blush even more.

After the sun sets, I tell him, "I have to go home." "Do you have too?" he begs while holding my hand. I kiss his forehead and say, "I have too." He grabs my waist and zooms back to Amnesty Bay.

As we arrive, he puts me down. "I enjoyed the day Arth," I look at him. He grins, "I did too, Cryst." I kiss his cheek and run a long my house. When I close the door, I sink in the floor. So dreamy...

"Oceana?" a man's voice interrupts my daydream. I face this man with a weird outfit. I use my powers to create a water spear. I narrow my eyes at him as he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Crystal, put it down," my Grandma says to me. I did what she said but didn't take my stare off this man. I give him my signature death stare.

"I come in peace Princess Oceana," the old man says to me. "Princess Oceana?" I ask and he looks at me with awe.

"You look so much beautiful than your father describe you to be," he smiles at me. I furry my brows and ask, "Who are you?"

"Vulko of Atlantis, your highness," he bows at me. "No! No No!" I stop him from bowing. "I am no royalty," I laugh.

Grandma goes in the conversation and says, "You father is the King of the Black Sea. That makes you the princess and next ruler of the Black Sea." I collapse on the couch.

"This is a lot to take in," I nervously laugh. Vulko sits with me and rubs my back. "Are you alright your highness?" he cares for me and I smile at him, "Call me Crystal." "Yes, your-" I give him a look before he rephrases, "Yes Crystal."

"Please explain it to be from the top?" I ask nicely. "Your mother is a regular human, while your father is the King of the Black Sea. They fell in-love," he smilingly shares to me. "Your father had to go back to his kingdom because he had to fullfil his responsibilities," he ends the story.

"Then why are you here Vulko?" I ask to him.

"I am here to take you to Atlantis..."

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