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"Atlantis?" I raise my brow. "Isn't it my father's kindgom is in the Black Sea?" Both Vulko and Grandma look at each other.

Grandma sits beside me and says, "I will tell you something..." I furry my brow. "You are getting married," she blurts out.

"Married?!" I shout as I stand up. "I don't even have a boyfriend!" I frustratedly blurt out to them. "All the suddenly, I am getting married!"

"Crystal calm down," Vulko states at me. I sit down and feel my heart quicken it's pace. "Who is the man?" I mumble. "King Orm of Atlantis," he answers me. I breathe in and close my eyes. "How did this happen?" I begin tearing up. Why is happening to my life?

"Your father did something to Atlantis. He send some surface dwellers to explore it. That of course, upset the King. He was force to have an arrangement. His daughter have to marry the future King of Atlantis to resolve his sin against him," he tells me the story.

"Or else?" I ask and he breathes in before continuing, "The death ot his whole family. Including him."

"If I don't marry him?" I ask and Vulko says, "You will die." I swallow the lump on my throat.

I don't want to die. I also don't want to marry this King Orm. But I have no choice. I have to marry the King of Atlantis in order to live.

I don't even get the chance to tell Arthur my true feeling. I didn't have my first kiss with him. I love him so much. But I have to rise up from his golden eyes.

"I will do it," I say with determination. "Really?" my Grandma says suprisingly. I nod at her and smile.

"Well then, I have to bring you to Atlantis, Crystal," Vulko stands up. I nod and hug Grandma. "I will be fine Grandma..." She rubs my back in reply.

I let go and go to Vulko. "I am ready," I say to him. He hands me a bag. "Your father wants to give this to you when you grow up." I grab the bag and open it. "Sadly, he died early." A tear falls and I look at Vulko. "Thank you."

I go up stairs and change my clothes into the one that's in the bag.

    I go down the stairs and see Grandma in tears

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I go down the stairs and see Grandma in tears. "You look beautiful," she says as she continues to cry. I smile and give her a last hug. "I love you Grandma," I whisper before following Vulko to the bay.

"Get in Crystal," he motions the ship. I walk to the ship and aboard it. "This is so awesome," I squeal and he just laughs. Vulko ons the engine and we make our way to Atlantis.

I lean on the glass and realize I don't want to do this. I want to tell Arthur how I feel. I want him to be the one I will say I do. If I was on surface, I will be a horrible mess because of crying.

"Are you alright?" Vulko snaps me out of my crying session. "Yes," I mumble. "I can sense that you are upset," he tells me. I face him and admit, "I am..."

"What is the reason of your sadness?" he asks and I sigh. "I am already in-love with someone." He sadly smiles at me. "I am sorry your highness."

"Don't apologise. It is not your fault," I say to him as I go back on looking at the sea creatures.

Suddenly, I see a very beautiful gateway bridge is on sight. "Cool..." I breath out. We pass the guards and I see the most beautiful place I lay my eyes on. "Welcome to Atlantis."

I see a lot of Atlanteans roaming around. Also some fishies too. Its just so magnificent.

"We are here," Vulko announces which makes me very nervous. I just nod in reply. We hop off the ship and I stare at this beautiful door.

Vulko whispers something to the guard. The guard nods and says, "King Orm! Princess Oceana has arrived!" The door opens and reveals a beautiful throne room. Its so bright. I might be blinded by it.

A golden armored person is in the throne. I assume that he is King Orm. A red head lady with a green suit is beside him. Maybe his friend.

He approaches me and I just tense up. I gulp as he is right in front of me. "Princess Oceana," he says. He grabs my hand and kiss the top of it.

"I am King Orm of Atlantis. It is very nice to meet you," he smiles at me. He has a platinum hair with blue eyes. He is a nice guy but my heart already has someone.

"Hello," I breathe out and he smiles at me. "Your more gorgeous than Vulko describe you to be," he makes a compliment but I am not flattered. I miss Arthur. I miss him so much.

"I am Crystal," I say and he raises his brow. "Crystal?" he asks and I remember my name is Oceana. "Oh right. That's my surface name," I apologise. "I can call you that if you like," he offers. I shake my head and say, "No. Oceana is fine."

I yawn and Orm frown. "You must be tired," he worries. "Mera, please escort her to the guest room," he instructs the red head.

The red head nods and escorts me right away. Vulko stayed because him and Orm have to talk about something.

When we arrive, the lady glare at me. "You like him, don't you?" I assume by her actions at me. She was taken back and stutters, "I - uhmm - don't!" I sadly smile at her.

"Don't you worry, I don't like him," I admit. I sigh and sit on the bed. "Then why are you marrying him?" she asks. "I am in an arranged marriage. I was force too," I tell her.

Her face softens and says, "I am sorry for glaring at you. My name is Princess Y'Mera Xebella Challa. You can call me Mera." She offers her hand which I shake. "Crystal," I say.

Suddenly, I can't control my feeling. I begin to cry underwater. Mera rubs my back

"Don't you worry. I will help you to break this marriage."

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