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"Stay there, your highness," the wedding planner instructs me. I sigh and do my position. She gives me a bouquet of flowers and tell me, "Just smile you highness. It's your big day!" She tries to cheer me up. .

I sigh and give her a fake smile. "She frown and gives up, "That will do." She swims to the orchestra and says, "Que the music!"

The music starts. My crying starts. Vulko swims to me and holds my hand. "Arthur will be here soon..." he encourages me. "He better be," I say as the church door opens.

I see Orm looking handsome than ever. But Arthur is more handsome. I sniff and begin swimming towards him.

"Just trust Arthur," Vulko whispers before he gives my hand to Orm. "You look so beautiful..." he tries to lighten up the mood. "You look handsome," I sadly smile. We face the presider as it starts.

The first thirty minutes of the wedding is so blurry to me. Arthur's face keeps popping on my mind. Orm constantly snaps me out of my thoughts by squeezing my hand.

"Do you King Orm of Atlantis take Princess Oceana as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the presider asks. I bow my head as tears threaten to escape my eyes.

Orm gently grabs my chin and raises it. He wipes my tears with his thumb. "I do..." he answers which makes me softly gasp.

"Do you Princess Oceana of the Black Sea take King Orm as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the presider asks me.

I face Vulko and see a sad expression printed on his face. I close my eyes and let my tears freely stream down my eyes.

Orm grips hand tightly, clearly impatient. I mental roll my eyes. "Just answer the damn question," he whispers as he grits his teeth.

I gulp before saying, "I... I..." I begin to cry. "Come on," he says in a mad tone. "I-" The sound of the door slamming interrupts me.

I see Arthur with Mera beside him. I involuntarily smile. "Stop the wedding," Arthur says in a serious tone.

"Arthur..." I breathe out. Orm pulls me at his back. A guard tosses his trident. "You will never have her," he challenges him.

"Let's see," he smirks. He swim to Orm and attack with his trident. Orm blocks it easily before kicking Arthur away. Arthur grabs his leg and toss him to the side.

"Crystal!" Mera catches my attention. I swim to her as fast as I could. "We need to get you out of here," she says as she pulls me away from the church.

The guards in combat mode catches my attention. I did a full stop to get a better look. The all have blasters and various kinds of weapons.

"They are going to attack the surface," I blurt out. Mera stops too. Her eyes widen at the sight of the guards. "We need to warn Arthur," Mera says as she swims back to the church.

A firm hand grabs my waist and pulls me up the water. The person places me on a cool metal surface. I cough and look at the person, Orm.

"You shall witness the fall of the surface," he says as he faces the troops. I stand up and kick his side. He falls down on the ground.

"You are more than this Orm!" I shout at him. He stands up and slaps my face. Causing me to fall. "I will be more once I kill all those people," he says as he narrows his eyes at me.

Arthur shoots out of the water and lands on the ship that we are standing in. "Stop this Orm! Before it's too late," he gives Orm a last chance. "Never!" Orm shouts at he pushes Arthur to the ground.

Arthur blocks Orm's trident quickly. He kicks his abdomen which send him away. Arthur points the trident at Orm. "Give up Orm," he says in a soft tone.

"Never!" Orm spits out before kicking Arthur's trident away. the trident lands in front of me. Orm launches to him and keeps on punching his face.

I crawl to the trident and grasp it. I stand up and run to Orm. I kick him away from Arthur and point the trident at him.

"Orm please..." I beg but Orm grabs his trident and swish mine away from his face. I clink my trident against his. Until he got the upper hand and toss my trident away from me. I use my power to create a giant wave which cause him to fall firmly on the ground.

"That is enough!" I hear a voice and look at the person. I see a beautiful lady with a white hair. "Mother," Orm breathes out. "Oh my son," she says before hugging him. She must be Orm's and Arthur's mother.

I take this opportunity to check on Arthur. I run to him and kneel. "Are you alright?" I ask with worry in my tone. "I'm fine Cryst. How about you?" Arthur says. I hug him and whisper, "I'm better."

Vulko appears with a bunch of guards with him. Arthur's mother and Orm stands up. "My queen," Vulko kneels at the lady. "She is my mother, Queen Atlana," Arthur whispers at my ear.

"Take him," Vulko says and I jump in. "But make sure he will be treated well," I add and Orm smiles at me. I hug him and whisper, "Everything is going to be alright." He hugs me back and apologizes, "I'm sorry."

The guard take him. "When you're ready..." Arthur says to Orm, "Let's talk." We watch them disappear on the water.

Mera steps in and says, "People of Atlantis, today began in bloodshed. but let it end in joy. I give you King Arthur of Atlantis." "Hail to the king! Hail to the king!" they all chant.

I walk down the bay and kick some sand. I am back at Amnesty Bay. After the nearly war, I swim back to my home to check Grandma. Luckily, she is fine.

A familiar red head rises above the water. "Princess Oceana, you are arrested by the law of Atlantis," she announces. "Are you joking?" I laugh but Mera's face remain serious. "You have to come with me to Atlantis as soon as possible."

We both swim back to Atlantis. Mera lead me to the throne room where Arthur sits in between.

"Princess Oceana, you are arrested," Arthur starts. "What did I do?" I sarcastically say. Arthur swim towards me and says, "You haven't marry the King of Atlantis."

I furry my brow. "I thought you broke the marriage," I blurt out. Vulko comes in and explains, "You still have to marry the King of Atlantis. This promise is unbreakable."

I roll my eyes and groan, "Where is Orm?" Arthur raise his brow, "Orm?" "Yes, Orm. The King of..." Suddenly, I realize that Orm isn't the King anymore.

I widen my eyes and look at Arthur. "You?!" I shout and shove him away, "I hate you!" He laughs together with Mera, Vulko and Queen Atlana.

"How dare yo-" Arthur cups my face and kisses my lips. I immediately kiss him back. I have been waiting for this for a long time. Finally, I kiss Arthur Curry.

"I love you," he whispers and I smile, "I love you too." Before kissing each other again. I never imagine that I admit that I love him. I am marrying the man of my dreams.

"What did you like about me?" he asks and I laugh.

"Your golden eyes that I DIVE in makes me fall in love with you deeper than the ocean."

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