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We ride a truck going to the locals plaza. I start to watch the people with awe. A family of three caught my eye. I see them all happy together. Them against the world.

I close my eyes. Silence the world in my ears.

"Good Morning Crystal," Mom and Dad wakes me up from my bed. I smile as I sit up. I hug them both and say, "I love you guys." They hug me back and say, "We love you too sweetie."

We all go to the dining hall. Dad pulls the chair for me. Mom puts my plate. They both sit in front of me.

"Do you want eggs or bacon?" mom asks and I reply, "Both." Mom puts my one sunny side up while dad places the bacons. "Thank you," I tell them. We all start to eat happily.

This is so good...

Good to be true...

This is not true...

This is all...


A dream...

I feel tears stream down my eyes. I open my eyes and see the family happily eating cookies.

"Cryst, are you okay?" Arthur asks. I face him. "Are you done flirting with red head?" I snap. Arthur raises his brows, "What?"

"I said are you done flirting with Mera?" I grit my teeth. " I am not flirting with her. Mera is just hurt. She need comfort," Arthur explains his actions. "Then why don't you hug her," I cross my arms.

He wipes tears. "Come on. Let's talk about it your crying," he offers as he pull me to the fountain.

We sit there and wait for me to stop crying. Arthur grabs my hand and kiss the top of me. "Tell me," he urges.

I breathe in and sigh. "I always dream about having a happy family since I was little." I sniff. "I always imagine this possible scenarios... but it never happens."

"Where are your parents?" Arthur asks. I swallow the lump on my throat before replying, "My mom died on the age of five. That's how I learn my powers. Through anger."

"Your father?" he reminds. "Vulko said my father died. I still don't know what happen to him. How he died or when he died," I answer.

"I blame my father always for not having a family. He had to leave us for Atlantis. I just hope we visit us. Even just one perfect moment with my parents will be fine. But no. It never happened," I say with anger in my tone.

Arthur puts his hand on my back and rub it. "Atlantis is a very wonderful place like Mera said. Its is hard to manage all of that. I bet he loves you more than Atlantis," he comforts me. I hug him and whisper, "Thank you."

"Look what I found," Mera pops in with a Pinocchio book in her hand. "You base our escape with a childrens book!" she exclaims which makes me laugh.

She rolls her eyes. "Come on. I ask someone and he said that its on top of that hill," Mera points our next direction.

We arrive at the place and immediately look for clues. "What did the recording says again?" Arthur asks. "Hear me in the edge of the world, to the hidden sea. You can see on the bottle of the uncharted path. Only in the hand of the true king, can only see," I repeat the recording.

"Look on the bottle to the uncharted path," Arthur repeats as he gets the bottle from Mera's bag. "Oh man," he says as he look from the bottle. I grab it and look at it. The bottle is shattered from the bottom."Cool!" I breathe out. Mera also grabs it and looks at it.

"How do you know were to point it?" Mera asks. "Repeat the last line, Cryst," Arthur requests. "Only in the hands of the true king, can only see," I did his request.

Arthur walks to the statue and say, "Marcus Agrippa. He was a great general, but wasn't a king." He walks to another and check at them.

"How do you know all this stuff?" Mera asks and Arthur and I both say in unison, "History lesson." "Pops want me to know my history," Arthur adds.

"None of this are kings, except... this guy," Arthur points at Romulus. "Nice jobs Arth," I smirk and Arthur looks at me, "Thanks Cryst."

"OMG! You guys have cute nicknames," Mera squeals at us. We look at each other. We connect your eyes for a minute before Arthur continues.

"Romulus is the first king of Rome," he says. "Only in the hands of the true king, can only see," Arthur repeats as he puts the bottle in the statue's hand.

Arthur goes at the back and see the next stop. "Aha! That's our next destination." I go and talk a look. When I'm done, I step back but the rock falls which makes me fall. Luckily, Arthur caught me. Our faces inches apart.

The statue suddenly explods which cause us the fly away. I look at the source and see a black suited man with Atlantean guards.

We all stand up and look at them clearly. The Black one's eyes glows an Arthur hugs and shields me but we both of fly away again.

I feel so numb. I crawl slowly to Arthur and see the burn on his arm. The armored guy goes to us and Arthur asks, "Who the hell are you?" "Maybe this will jog your memory," it says as a blade goes out its hand.

They started to fight while I try to stand up. As I stand up, Arthur says, "You're the guy from the sub."

"That's right," the man says and the spear pierce Arthur's skin. "Arthur!" I scream. "But now I have Atlantean metal."

I jump at the back of the man and punch its head. But the blade hits my stomach. I gasp in shock. I look at the man then Arthur. I see him scream but I can't hear him. I feel my eyelids getting heavy.


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