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I flick my eyes open and slowly sit up. I feel a sharp pain on my stomach. I look at it and see a bandage over it. I observe the room and realize I am not in a hospital. I stand up and limp my way to the door.

When I open the door, two Atlantean guards are aiming thier blasters at me. I raise my arm in surrender. But fall from the pain of my stomach. They run to be and help me go back to my bed.

"Is there anything you want?" one guard asks and I shout, "Get out!" They look at each other before obeying my orders. I cry myself to sleep.

I was awaken by a light tap. "Arthur?" I mumble but when I open my eyes, I see Vulko. "It's me Vulko, Crystal," he says. I sigh and sit up.

"How are you doing?" he asks and I look at him. I feel like I'm going to cry again. "Arthur is hurt! I don't know what to feel! I feel like a mess right now!" I admit to him.

He rubs my hand and assures, "Arthur will be alright. I known him since he was a kid. He is strong person. He can do it." I nod and let myself to fall into the bed. "I just miss him..."

The door opens to reveal Orm. "How is my bethroned doing?" he smiles while I grit my teeth. "She is doing well, your highness," Vulko answers for me.

"Let us alone, Vulko," Orm requests which makes me hold Vulko's hand tighter. "Don't leave me," I whisper. "I suggest you talk to her another time, your highness," he offers but Orm stubbornly shouts, "Leave!" Vulko gives a finally squeeze before leaving.

"How are you going?" he asks again. "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear Vulko say that I am just fine?!" I snap at him. "I hear what I said. I just thought it will be nice to ask you again," he says and I scoff a laugh. "Nice?" "Orm, do you hear what you're saying?" I ask him.

"I was just trying to be nice!" he shouts at me. "If you want to be nice, you didn't have to attack the surface dwellers," I say.

"Crystal..." he says and I cut him off, "Orm. I know you were a nice guy. Mera told me about it." "She did?" Orm asks confusingly. "She loves you Orm," I add.

Orm swims back and shouts, "You are lying!" I swim to him and say, "I am not!" "She love you since you where a kid. But you changed. You became a person obessed on killing all surface dwellers!"

"The surface dwellers keep on polluting the sea! They did nothing but harm us Atlanteans!" he defends himself. "Not all of us are bad. Some of us cleans the ocean!" I defend my people. "I have a group who always clean the beaches and bays every Saturday," I share with him.

"STOP DEFENDING YOUR USELESS PEOPLE!" Orm shouts at me which makes me shut up. "I will attack the surface after we get married in the sunrise," he leaves me alone to cry again.

After they check my vital signs, they immediately send me to the measure my sizes for my wedding gown. Vulko walk me to it.

"What happened to you and Orm?" he asks and I roll my eyes at the mention of Orm's name. "I don't wanna talk about it," I glare. "Okay," Vulko gives up.

After the measurements, I went straight to Orm. I knock on his chaimbers. "What's is it?" he shouts through the door. "It's me," I inform him. He opens the door while a confused face. "Crystal?"

"Yep... didn't expect it huh..." I try to lighten up the mood. "Come in," he says as he opens the door widely. "No!" I decline his offer. "I just came to say... think about everything... visit the surface for me... for Mera..."

In the morning, maids wakes me up. They dress me a gorgeous dress and fix my hair.

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   The door suddenly opens

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The door suddenly opens. I look through the mirror and see Orm. "Leave us alone," he tells the maids.

I spin my chair and face him. "You look beautiful..." he breathes out. "Have you think about it?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"I will attack on the surface in the afternoon," he clenches his fist. My heart aches. He hasn't change his mind.

"Haven't you gone to the surface?" I ask and he replies, "I have gone last night. Those evil dwellers just dump thier garbages in the sea! They don't know that it damages us! I will attack as soon as possible!"

"Haven't you see what the other humans do?! They take care of the ocean!" I defend the innocent ones. "They are only innocent! We can help them-" Orm interrupts me, "That's enough Crystal. My decision is final."

"Arthur will bring you down!" I shout at his face. He chuckles before saying, "You do like him don't you." "I do not!" I try to hide my blush.

"I can see it in your eyes Crystal. The love your feeling for this half-breed," he teases me. "Oh wait! Your both half-breeds," he sarcastically says.

"He will dethrone you," I narrow my eyes. "Even thou he dethrone me. I'll have you," he smirks. "What?" I confusingly ask.

"When I marry you, that will be the biggest regret of Arthur. He will be weak and I can kill him easily," he tells me his plan. "He doesn't love me!" I say. "Doesn't he? Or maybe he does." Orm leaves and me alone speechless.

"Arthur loves me..."

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