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In the morning, I start to make my way to Crystal's house. I didn't notice but a smile is permanently plasted on my face.

I gently knock before waiting for her. I hope she is the one that will open the door. But sadly, it was her grandmother.

"Why hello Arthur!" she greets with a sweet smile. "Hello Mrs. Payton," I smile too. "Come in my child," she motions me in. I walk to her house and wait for her to ask me to sit down.

As I wait, I look at the pictures on the wall. I see a beautiful black haired girl smiling gorgeously on the camera. I chuckle knowing it is Crystal.

"I am assuming that you want to see Crystal," she teases which makes me blush a little. "Yes Ma'am." She shakes her head and inform me, "She is gone." My face fell.

"While she is gone," her grandmother interrupts my break down. "I can see it in your eyes... You like my granddaughter," she says carefully.

I swallow the lump on my throat before nodding to her. She smiles nicely which is a relief. "I can say you make my granddaughter happier," she shares with me.

"I never seen her smile like that since her mother died," she trembles which make me stand up to comfort her. But she motions me to stop.

"I want to share with her that she is not like the others," she warns me but I give her a chuckle. She looks at me weirdly.

"She was never like the others. She is heart of the ocean. My heart to my ocean," I explain. She sadly smiles at me. "But she is not coming back."

"Not coming back?" I furry my brows. "She is gone forever Arthur. She is off to a far away place," she tells me. I feel so heartbroken. I can feel tears threatening to escape.

"Why?" I croak out. Her grandma sadly smiles at me and say, "You can't be together."

Suddenly, I hear loud seagull sounds. "Excuse me for a moment ma'am," I excuse myself while I check outside.

I see a big wave coming at our direction. I walk in and tell Crystal's grandma, "There is a big wave coming close you need to run." She immediately runs to the door.

I walk in some houses and warn them about the waves. Suddenly, the waves hits us. I swim immediately into the ocean and look for people. I grab some and took them back to the land.

Suddenly, a familiar figure floats at the water. I quickly swim at the figure. "Pops!" I shout underwater. I fastly zoom to him to the land. I pump his chest but he is not breathing.

Out of knowhere, the red lady appears. She pushes me away from father. She glows her hands at his mouth. Like the ability of Crystal. Fortunately, father finally breathes.

I hug Pops and look at the lady. "I don't even know your name," I say to her. "It's Princess Y'Mera Xebella Challa. You may call me Mera," she shares with me and I thank her, "Thank you Mera."

She stands up and looks at the sea. I help father up and go beside her. "What have it done?" father says in a raspy voice. "This was Orms doing," Mera says which makes me look at her. "The worst is yet to come."

In the morning, me and Mera are at the cliff where Vulko used train me. "Atlantis nead you," Mera starts our conversation. "I told you. I am no king," I say to her. "Princess Oceana needs you too," she adds and I look at her.

"Who is this Oceana?" I ask her and she informs me, "Daughter of King Harlan. Princess of the Black Sea is arranged marriage to Orm." She bows her head. Which makes me realize, she likes my brother.

"You like Orm, don't you?" I tease which cause her to look at me in shock. "I do not!" she tries to hide but fails. She sighs and admits, "Yes... I like Orm..."

"Orm was different way back then. But his hatred from the surface dwellers grow. He forgot about me," she shares to me. I pat her back.

"And Princess Oceana is in-love with someone already. She loves him truly but she is stuck in this situation. She need your help," she begs to me. "What can I do to help her?"

"You have to retrive Atlan's trident to break the marriage of them," she gives me the plan. I nod. "Sounds like a plan to me," I smile at her.

I miss you Crystal. I will do this for you and I. We will have peace on the ocean and on land.

"Let's do this," I say before diving into the water. We swim to the location of the ship of Mera.

"I hid my ship in here," she opens the door and the ship lights up. "I am not getting in that thing," I protest and she says, "To get where we going you gonna have too."

"I don't want to smell like chum bucket," I say and Mera teases, "That will be an improvement." I smell myself and it smells awful. "Yeah..." I say before hopping in her ship.

We arrive at the gateway bridge. I look at it with awe. It looks so magical. "What's the point of building a bridge underwater?" I ask. "The gateway bridge is a resemblance of the old world. Its also the way in and out of the capiltol," she answers.

"Why can't they just go over the walls?" I think out loud. "Security is impenetrable. Even they manage to invade the guards, they can't past the hydra canons," she smirks. "People try to sneak in all the time," she shares.

Speaking off people, I miss Crystal How is she doing? Hope she is having a great time. I hope she misses me too.

"I miss her so much..."

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