Chapter 9: Rotten luck

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Despite the fact that the Earth King managed to escape somehow, and Phantom knew exactly the reason why, for the Fire Nation it was a triumph. The loyal guards were helpless against the attack from the inside, and thus the great city of Ba Sing Se fell before a group of teenagers. It sounded ridiculous, but that was truth, the princess sure had something to be proud of, Danny thought. As for him, the half ghost was humble as much as he could while still being regarded as important member of the mission. He didn't want extra attention to his persona.

But he still was left behind to do the last arrangements in the city. The Dai Li brought down the wall, and the armies simply waltzed in. As usual, Phantom was soft but unforgiving. The resisting people were taken captive mostly, but the rest was indeed killed for the lack of other options. He did hear rumors that the captives were going to be sacrificed to him. Supersticious uneducated folk, poor fellows.

It was indeed better. The captives had families, it was a hard, but effective bargain. They feared for each other's lives, and no one was going to be harmed, because no one would keep resisting. Danny indeed was doing a moral backflip each time he commited those things. Others just couldn't understand the real motives of this actions. After all, they didn't become less immoral because of them.

Phantom left as soon as possible, as usual ordering to treat the prisoners properly. He gave the city to the puppet Azula had chosen. That lady was creepy, that smile of hers never left her face. Danny set off, reaching the others before they even sailed to the sea separating the continental colonies from the Fire Nation's archipelago.

The trip to the capital of the country-victor was taking place at the moment, on the royal barge. The soldiers were the happiest ones on the ship, it seemed. Their songs and drinking was tolerable, otherwise they wouldn't be so happy. Ty Lee shared the mood, so did Danny from time to time, but for another reason. He could care less about that victory, but his objective was within the hand's reach. Azula was more calm, but she was obviously pleased, a small smile was ever present on her face. Mai never seemed happy. There was also the newest acquaintance. Zuko.

Phantom wasn't sure what to think of the guy, honestly. The prince seemed somewhat secluded at first, probably still unsure about being near the people who had tried to kill him, namely the half ghost and the princess. Danny was yet to share a word with him, or more like the other way around. Phantom wasn't going to press, he knew the value of privacy. It was something he barely received himself.

As for his plan, the portal had been designed to the latest detail. All what's needed was the Fire Lord's approval and the resources from their state. Danny needed their industry equal to that of the new era, not just raw materials. Metals: mostly steel and copper, some silver as well for the conduits. Thankfully the resources of that world were the same. He shouldn't be surprised. Molecular structure is what makes them what they are. Their amount was another question.

On one of the days, closer to the destination, but still at the sea, Danny was just relaxing on the deck. It was surprisingly empty, maybe because it was late, but not for the teen. Being on a chair with a glass of juice. Wonderful atmosphere. Although he was getting sick of the water around them. Gazing at the night sky was much more interesting.

"Why am I not surprised that you are here?"

Danny leaned his head backwards and saw Azula standing on the ceiling. Oh, his head just was upside down.

"Hello there," Phantom greeted. "Something you need, princess?"

"Not really. I have hoped for some privacy, but there aren't many places."

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