Chapter 16: The invasion

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"Aang, what's the matter with you?" Katara asked her friend in concern. "I thought that your nightmares have stopped."

The Avatar looked thoughtful as he was holding the reigns of their flying friend. The previous bags under his eyes had vanished, but he was still silent. The clean blue sky above was a contradiction to the cloud beneath. That was a sneaky move in order to hide an enormous bison flying through the air. If they were to be spotted, it would ruin everything. Everyone sat in the basket on Appa's back, relaxed in their continuous voyage. The exchange made the other two to look at the two in curiosity. Aang perked up and looked back at his friend.

"Oh, it's nothing, Katara. I just...saw something strange while meditating."

"Just perfect, he found another reason to worry," Sokka grumbled, before being elbowed by Toph. "Hey!" He called and moved aside.

"What is it?" Katara kept asking.

"I was talking to Roku. I just needed the final word of advice. But suddenly we saw a blinding flash far away."

"That's it?" Exclaimed Sokka, before being nudged again. "Would you stop that?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't seen you there," Toph responded with a smile. Somehow she had got closer.

"Seriously," the boy rubbed his hand. "It's a white light. So that's a good thing, right?"

Everyone just looked at him with dry expressions, but then Katara seemed to rethink it, albeit differently.

"But I think he got a point," she said suddenly. "Why do you think this way about one flash of light?" The girl looked at Aang.

"That's the thing...Roku seemed concerned about it. He said that such things happen only when the king appears."

Realization dawned upon everyone. There was only one person they knew who could take that title.

"So he actually did this," Sokka mumbled. "That's bad, that's really bad."

"It could be some other undead," Toph shrugged.

"I don't think so," Aang mumbled. "And if it is someone else...Roku told me that the Ghost Kings tend to be oppressive tyrants. Phantom doesn't seem like one."

"Aang," Katara sighed. "Just because he doesn't try to kill you doesn't mean that he is not a problem. He is still Azula's ally."

"I know," Aang bowed his head sadly.

To enter the following a day with a blasphemy against the morals, what a way to start. This was a long overdue occasion. It would end in less than an hour, Phantom tried reassuring himself. One hour of immense abhorrence, atrocity upon everything his newfound kingdom stood for and all would be done. He would be a free bird, roaming the entire expanse of the ever-growing world, able to rule it without any burdens on his shoulders. Not that it wouldn't leave a nasty aftertaste in his mouth. And the gut. And every fibre of his being in addition. Better not give it too much extra thought. Just put your head in the sand and pretend that all the destruction around hadn't been for naught.

A couple of sleepless nights separated him from the fateful moment. Why should he bothered now of all times? Probably because back then his interference was just a blip on the radar, a speck of sand on the front glass that was already broken beyond repair. Enough of self-pity. He had a lot of work to do those days, the people had to face their king in his entire might, not like some sort of angsty, sulky teenager.

Many visitors were flocking to the castle. Some were the local lords pledging their allegiance, hopeful that the new king would not turn out like the previous one. Phantom did not appear threatening, he was welcoming and polite to the people he met for the first time. His enemies so far had not paid him any visit, it was concerning, but not the priority to his mind. Near him always stood Demiurge, writing down every single word for the record and the future correspondence. His speed of writing was torturing the parchment and the pen in his boney fingers. Yes, pen. The quills and blood were kind of old fashioned. On the small pillar already was a considerable pile.

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