Chapter 17: The worst possible outcome

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Removing the dome above his army, Phantom descended to the ground, staring into nothingness. His soldiers could not cheer, for he did not order them to, Fright, however, realized the same thing as his lord. Slowly he approached Danny from behind, jumping off his horse. He was the worst candidate for giving reassurance, comfort. But he knew that Phantom needed at least someone to pat him on a shoulder and tell him that that's alright. The king just looked at his hands, now belonging to a mass murderer. How many people were there? Hundreds? Thousands? Some of his own soldiers fell victim, but they had been lifeless to begin with. Those rotting husks of whatever life had been dimly shining inside were of little concern, he would make more. But he slaughtered the living. He took their lives. No proper person felt good about sullying one's hands in blood, no matter to whom it used to belong.

Fright felt the teen shake beneath his hand. Danny obviously tried to hold himself together, but was failing.

"I...I k-killed them," his voice was so small and timid, once again he was a young, inexperienced teenage boy, faced with all horrors of the world.

"They wanted to kill us, Your Majesty. You did warn them, foolish annoyances, and they did not heed. No one shall judge, for there is no need."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?!" Phantom growled, before shaking his head. "Get to the portal. I have some work to do here."

Fright bowed, turning around and facing a huge gateway. He commanded the soldiers to move inside. As the marched there, Phantom went in the opposite direction. Making his way through the pieces of debris, tossing the metal and the rocks out of his path. The stone construction, as if the earth benders felt his approach, was gone, and Phantom could see their faces now. Terror, fear, they were right to have such feelings towards him. Gone was the will to fight him, the will to talk back to the being of tremendous power. Phantom scanned the crowd for that one guy in charge.

"I've destroyed your ships," he said, landing on the ground. "So you cannot escape from the island. You are not my priority now, so you might as well leave into the woods or something."

"Looks like you are betrayed," Hakoda said, but without his daughter watching him now. He had that smug smirk on his face.

"Indeed. That is why I'm going to talk to him."

Strangely enough, the people now had a shared thought. He was now the enemy of the Fire Lord...maybe not everything was lost? The following thought was less optimistic. What was better? A fire bending tyrant or a man who could cause a damn apocalypse at the move of his hand? They did not know that Phantom didn't need that world, he needed but one man. Passing the sheltered crowd, who scattered away from him as Moses and the Red sea. He vanished from their sight, only to go forth, completely unnoticed. Whistling loudly, he got his horse. That Fire enthusiast better expect a loud entrance. Speaking of...

"WHAT?!" A thunderous yell was heard all across the throne room.

Ozai had just returned from his hideout. Already he looked furious, it was a miracle the carpet beneath him did not set ablaze in the process. And the War Minister just had to bring even less pleasant news. Shaking like a leaf, he was now afraid for his life. Azula, just summoned there as well, only watched in curiosity. And somehow she suspected that the half ghost played his role in all this mess. Oh, how right she was. Painfully so.

"Our entire's destroyed...Your Majesty."

"How?!" The Fire Lord shouted. "Are you saying that the Avatar..."

"No, My Liege. It was only the Ghost King. He made the sky itself crumble on our balloons and ships! No man has ever had such power," he mumbled the latter part. Azula caught it, remarking that he was not exactly a man per say...

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