The Cold Prince

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They were surrounded by rubble and carnage. Bodies were piled atop one another as the process of identification was taking place. All eyes turned to the first-ranker as they awaited his command.

Corvan stared off into the distance as he took a moment to process the state of the Ember Palace. The floors that had been made out of magma was now slicked in blood of Arlandians, and, needless to say, he felt responsible.

"Corvan," Rowe said as he took a tentative step forward,"We found your parents and your grandmother ...I'm sorry." At his words, his shoulders only stiffened, but he soon realized one person was missing. For the first time, the Twelve saw Corvan become frantic.

"Emmillyse. Has anyone found a little girl," Corvan said through gritted teeth as he turned to face his comrades. Charles simply shook his head to his question, as footsteps rapidly approached the group from the West Wing.

"Corvan, Val and I found Emmillyse hiding under your bed. She won't come out and she's hysterical," Keelan said nearly out of breath. Before anyone could ask about the mysterious Emmillyse, Corvan took off at a dead run towards his chambers. He rounded a corner quickly, nearly falling as he slipped in a pool of blood.

The rest of the group took off after him, but he was running so fast that they could barely keep sight of him.

"Slow down, dammit!"

"Who's Emmillyse?"

Overall, it took a decent amount of time to reach the family wing of the palace. Corvan slowed down outside of his old bedroom door because he knew he needed to be cautious so as not to scare his already terrified sister unnecessarily. He only hoped that the others wouldn't come crashing into his room after he would enter. Slowly, Corvan pushed open the door and found his room exactly the way he had left it. The demons must've not bothered since they knew he wasn't going to be there to begin with.

His emerald eyes made contact with azure ones as Valeriana looked up to him. They were full of concern. Pounding footsteps echoed from down the hall as the rest of the group began to slow.

"Guys, I think we should stay out here," Keelan said quietly as they neared the Arlandian Lord's room,"Corvan will explain in due time, but right now Emillyse needs everyone around her to be calm." They all nodded their head in understanding, despite their obvious confusion.

"Sweetheart, Corvan's here,"Valeriana called gently and motioned for him to lay one his stomach like her. In one fluid motion he did and peeked under the bed. He lit one of his "fire balls" as Valeriana called it and gently sent it towards the sound of whimpering under the bed.

The sight in front of him nearly caused Corvan's heart to crumble as he saw pure and utter fear etched on his younger sister's face. She was crying so hard she was hiccuping and was beginning to hyperventilate.

"It's okay, Emmi. It's Corvan. I sent you a firefly to help you see," Corvan said in an extremely gentle voice that was only used for Emmillyse. Valeriana and the rest of the Twelve eavesdropping outside were a bit surprised hearing the more gentle side of the first-ranker.

Hearing her nickname seemed to push her into action as the little girl came flying out from under the bed and wrapped her tiny body around Corvan's upper half. Valeriana could see how distraught the youngest Wylden was based off of her aura.

He stepped outside of his room trying to comfort the trembling child in his arms. He was talking to her gently but she continued to hiccup. Based off the color of her hair, the Twelve quickly gathered that two were related, most likely siblings.

Taking off his jacket, Charles quickly stepped forward and draped it over the shivering form of the little girl and Corvan nodded at him gratefully. Removing her head from the crook in her brother's neck, Emmillyse scanned her surroundings searching for Valeriana who was the only person she could communicate with.

Tamara's face softened as she took in the soft features of the younger Wylden and was amazed at how closely the two resembled one another.

"Corvan, she know where your mother is," Valeriana said softly as she stepped towards the girl and began to gently brush her hair off her sweaty forehead. Corvan took a deep breath and his jaw ticked and looked his sister in the eyes. Instead of answering her question, he gently kissed her forehead and closed his eyes. Her eyes widened as she looked back towards Valeriana and began to cry again.

Corvan was slightly shaking as he tried to hold his composure. He was raised as a noble, but that didn't mean he didn't love his parents. It certainly didn't mean that his innocent little sister deserved the trauma she was going through. When he opened his eyes, they were obviously full of tears as he quickly made his way past the rest of the rankers.

In that moment, the Twelve realized that Corvan truly didn't deserve the name of the Cold Prince.

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