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**Don't ask me why, but Corvan as a dad/husband just makes my heart happy**

Corvan had confined Valeriana to the residential portion of the Ember Palace. In reality, that was still a large chunk of the palace, but Valeriana had never been more bored in her entire life. Ever since they had found out they were expecting, Corvan had went above and beyond to ensure the safety and health of Valeriana and the baby. He was at every appointment with the healer and once a month he had Genevieve visit to double-check what the doctor had said. After all, she had been their personal healer all those years at the academy and, even though Corvan would never admit it, he highly respected her opinion with issues regarding health and wellness.

As Valeriana's belly grew, Corvan continued to insist that she drink extra water and try to nap for at least an hour a day. She didn't argue much during the first three months of pregnancy since her morning sickness was awful and she was particularly sensitive to smells. The first few weeks, Valeriana was sick nearly every morning or she would eat and then vomit. Valeriana, Corvan's mother, his sisters and even his father, assured him that it was normal and could continue for the rest of the pregnancy. The healer was over almost every day during that short span of time, but Corvan continued to worry.

As everyone had told him, it did pass and by the time she was six months pregnant she was doing fine. Sleeping was a challenge since she couldn't lie on her stomach anymore, but it wasn't that big of a deal in the long run. Most of the night she was curled up against Corvan's side, using his shoulder as a pillow anyways.

By this point, Corvan insisted on her relaxing even though she had her own continent to run. Of course, Valeriana ignored him and continued with her everyday routine of taking the portal to Varialon to get her work done. That quickly came to a halt when she overdid it slightly and had to rest at Deli's until Corvan arrived. After that, she was basically put on house arrest and wasn't allowed to go anywhere without someone accompanying her. If Corvan was busy, then normally Lady Saskia or Emmi would walk around the garden with her. In Valeriana's opinion, her husband was completely overreacting. Her mother had worked while she was pregnant up to the day she went into labor, so Valeriana knew she was most likely fine. She did have to waddle a little bit to walk, but she could still get from point A to point B. Every now then, Valeriana would cry for no reason or get super angry, but that didn't happen often.

One morning, Corvan was up with the sunrise as usual and following her everyday routine, so was Valeriana. They still had a few hours until Corvan had to leave for work and they normally spent this time talking about various things or just spending time together. For the past six months, Corvan used this time to rub Val's baby bump to catch any movements at all from the growing infant.

It was quite comical really. He would sit with his legs "criss-cross-applesauce", as Valeriana would say, next to her with both palms flat on her belly with his fingers spread. If the baby was active that morning, then sometimes she would have to move his hands around so he could feel the movements. If the baby wasn't moving, Corvan occasionally would lean close to her stomach, his nose practically touching her belly button and go," I am your father. The least you could do is kick more often."

After their normal routine on this particular morning, Corvan stood to get ready while a small sigh escaped from Valeriana. She wanted something to do! Corvan knew that Valery was getting fed up with being stuck at home, so he contacted a few people and made some arrangements.

"Valery, if you're not going to be busy today, can you take care of some things," Corvan questioned with a raise of his eyebrow and a small smile on his face. Her face lit up as she tried to get out of bed, but she was struggling a bit. With a slight chuckle, Corvan quickly padded his way over and helped Valeriana out of bed.

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