Ten Random Facts About Rowe

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1. Rowe's temper is absolutely terrible. Once during a class, another student made a comment about Rowe's father being disappointed in his performance during his duel with Corvan. It took Corvan and three others to remove the newly appointed second-ranker's hands from the boys neck.

2. Rowe doesn't remember much about the day his father died.

3. Rowe and Corvan are actually good friends. They talk about royal politics among other things. Other things being, Valeriana and Aneeka.

4. Rowe is a picky eater, and occasionally Charles has to make him something completely separate.

5. Rowe is actually very mischievous. Occasionally, he'll help get a fight going between Charles and Tamara just for the entertainment.

6. Rowe is technically an only child, but his mother was pregnant when his father passed. Sadly, she lost the baby due to the amount of distress and heartbreak her body was under.

7.  Rowe is a "momma's boy", as Valeriana calls it, and he's not ashamed one bit.

8. When Rowe was a child, his mother would catch him speaking to the air. Rowe would always say he was speaking with friends from another world. She believes lost souls were coming to her son for help.

9. Rowe is very good at throwing knives. Keelan knows all about it.

10. Rowe loves red wine, but he tries not to drink too often.

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