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A/n: this isn't a part of the Christmas series, but I got inspired 🤷🏼‍♀️

Her body hit the ground while crimson blood colored her now pale lips. Valeriana's hand was outstretched towards Corvan, as if she just needed help standing up. Her blue eyes were vacant and dull as her spirit left her body. Corvan felt his cold facade drop as his eyes widened in horror at the crumpled form of his betrothed in front of him. Tears filled his eyes, both of anger and agony, as a pain stricken cry tore free from his throat. He himself was unable to make out the word, but everyone around Corvan detected the syllables of Valeriana's name. He wasn't even aware that his knees had given out until his hands registered the cool dew on the grass.

In the blink of an eye, fire encased Corvan's body and drew his sword. His chest heaved as he stood to his full height. The tears running down his cheeks literally evaporated as soon as they touched his lower lashes. Not another word left his mouth as he began to charge at the demon with Valeriana's blood on his hands.

Everyone else could only watch in horror as the young Arlandian lord charged towards a death wish.


Valeriana awoke in a landscape unfamiliar to her. She couldn't even remember her own name and her head ached. A hiss of pain escaped her lips as she forced herself into a standing position. Her blond hair had been braided down her back, and she was wearing a simple white shirt and a pair of blue jeans, but no shoes.

"Huh...that's strange. I'm standing, but I...can't feel anything," the now unknowingly deceased fifth ranker trailed off as she glanced at her tranquil surroundings. It seemed as if she was in an endless meadow, enjoying a sunny day or maybe she had gone on a picnic? If that's the case, then why can't she feel the heat from the suns rays or the wind that was moving the grass in wave like ripples? Better yet, where the hell was the picnic basket?

"Okaaaaay. This is strange," she said as she took a tentative step forward. Something, call it instinct, urged her to move in any direction. Valeriana started out walking which eventually turned into running. She had no destination in mind, but her body knew exactly where to go. After some time, she began to remember different things. A flash of emerald green and a scream. White hot pain and red...lots of red. Suddenly, the former fifth ranker skidded to a stop.

"Oh my...that was my blood! That was my blood! I can't be dead. The-the war just started! I'm supposed to be helping, not dead," she screamed out as she clutched at her hair.

You remember. That's the first step. Now, you need to return. It's not your time, Valeriana.

"Who's there? Who said that?"

I am not visible to you. I was only sent to help guide you. Remember your blessings, remember who you are. When the time comes, we will send for each of you, but you all must return here together in order to truly win this war.

Suddenly, pain wracked through Valeriana's body as she crumpled to the ground. The middle of her back and chest were on fire! Curled up in the fetal position, she screamed until she finally lost consciousness.


As Valeriana's scream faded, it was replaced with one of heartbreak. She could feel the blood that coated her body, and took the smallest inhale possible. Despite a small ache, it seemed as if Valeriana had healed or...been healed somehow. She breathed deeply to try and focus her senses. Nobody had noticed she had came back from being in limbo, and she wanted to keep it that way.

The battlefield was eerily quiet now that Charles and Rowe and intercepted Corvan before he could personally charge a demon army.

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