Not Doing Too Hot (pts. 1 & 2)

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Corvan didn't feel well.

From the moment he woke up, he had a pounding headache and felt cold. Considering that he was part Denovegsian, Corvan normally woke up in the mornings starving, but today was different. He had very little to no appetite and was seriously considering going back to sleep. After a few minutes of debating with himself, Corvan decided to just get on with his day and get it over with.

Forcing himself to unwrap from his duvet, the first-ranker placed his feet on the hardwood floor and stretched. A cold shiver raced up his spine and he wrapped his arms around his upper body in response. He felt a bit more alarmed when a deep ache had settled in his muscles. With a deep breath, the first-ranker made his way to his closet to grab clean clothes before heading to his private bathroom to bathe, hoping it would ease his aching body.


"Where's Corvan? He's never late," Valeriana stated with her brows knit together in confusion.

"It is quite unusual for him to be tardy. Normally, he's up when the sun rises," Rowe said as he sipped his morning tea.

"Do you think-," Tamara had started with a mischievous grin on her mouth when she was quickly cut off by the sound of footsteps.

"I apologize for my late arrival," the first-ranker said he stepped into the dining room while fixing the collar of his uniform. His face was flushed and hair still wet as he took his seat. Dark circles were under his eyes making his glassy green eyes pop. The other members of the Celestial Circle simply stared at their seemingly unkempt leader.

Charles noted that the young Arlandian lord seemed to be shaking slightly, as if he had caught a chill and he looked pale. Valeriana, on the other hand, had seen Corvan when he had collapsed in Arlandia and she couldn't deny there was a resemblance to his current state.

As soon as the first ranker was seated, breakfast began. As usual, Keelan inhaled his food while Tamara and Charles argued over the third's unladylike mannerisms. Chitchat could heard between all the rankers as they ate, but Corvan seemed to be more focused on pushing his french toast (which had come to be known as a "Valeriana Special") around his plate with no intention of eating it. The only thing he had actually finished was two glasses of water and none of this went unnoticed by the fifth-ranker.

By the time it was ready to leave for classes, Corvan was coated in a cold sweat and he was the color snow. While all the other rankers had noticed his worsening condition, they chose to ignore it until the time was right. If they would've brought it up, he would've gotten irritated and stormed off. At least this way, one of them could try to keep an eye on him.

Since it was the third day of class, the Celestial Circle were expected to go to the arena for their weekly training session with Headmaster Kylon. This training session was specifically organized in order to help the rankers work better together as a group as well as individually. Sometimes they would be split into two groups to spar or they would have to do an insane obstacle course, but they always enjoyed getting to train together.

Today, Corvan was dreading it.

When they all arrived to the arena, the headmaster was waiting on them dressed in black training gear. With a dismissive wave of his hand, the rankers split into two groups, boys and girls, to go adorn their similar gear.

Corvan focused on putting one foot in front of the other as he made his way to change. As soon as they had entered the left side of the arena, Keelan stopped him as he held a hand to the first-ranker's head. His face was so hot that Keelan yanked his hand back before the heat emitting from his skin could cause any serious burns.

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