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The sun wasn't even up yet, but based off the color of the night sky Corvan knew it wouldn't be much longer. He had barely slept, but Valeriana needed rest more than he did at the moment. The chair he was sitting in was facing towards the window and he rocked back and forth in a gentle rhythm.

The baby on his chest began to wiggle once again and let out a soft cry as the sky started to become a light pink.

"Stop that senseless crying. You're beginning to sound like your mother," Corvan said as he brushed his daughters little blond curls back off her forehead. The baby had been restless all night and Corvan had been sitting up with her the last two or three hours while Valeriana slept in their bed in the next room over.

By this point, the little girl's cries had turned to cooing and brought a small smile to Corvan's face. Growing up as a royal, Corvan and his sisters had a nanny to help take care of things like restless nights, but Valeriana insisted on doing all of it themselves as her parents had when she was little. At first, he thought it was a terrible idea considering all their shared responsibilities, but Corvan's mind had quickly changed after he held his daughter for the first time. Valeriana had to threaten him so she could hold her, and she was the one that had done all the work!

Knowing that he only had maybe another hour until he had to be up and ready to head to meetings, Corvan carefully cradled his one month old daughter in one arm and made his way back to bed. If she wouldn't sleep in her bassinet, then she could sleep with him and Val.

Corvan slowly opened the door so as not to wake his sleeping wife and keep his daughter calm and quiet while he made his way back to bed. Laying flat on his back, the newest addition to the Wylden family cooed in contentment at laying on her father's chest. Shortly after that, she fell asleep and Corvan wasn't far behind.


Corvan had felt like he blinked when he noticed the weight of his daughter missing from his chest. Opening his eyes in slight alarm, Corvan relaxed when he saw Valeriana making funny faces at the baby laying on the bed.

"Good morning, Corvan. You know letting her sleep in our bed with us might create a bad habit," Valeriana gently chided as she kissed her daughter on the nose.

"Would you give her back? We were comfortable," Corvan said with his equivalent of a pout as sat up and looked at his wife very pointedly.

"You have to get up, sweetheart. We have work to do," Valeriana said as she picked her daughter up and took her to the bathroom to wash her off before leaving her with Sloan for the rest of the morning. Corvan simply huffed as he made his way to their shared closet to get ready for the day.


The High Lord of Arlandia trudged through his meetings and forced himself to pay attention. The other people in the meetings could tell by the dark circles under his eyes that his mind was most likely elsewhere and in need of a nap. After his last meeting of the morning, Corvan and a few of the other former rankers made their way to the dining room for lunch. Keelan was complaining about starving to death, Rowe had his ever so present gentlemanly smile on his face and Charles still hadn't gotten out of the habit of pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"So, Lord Corvan, hows Valeriana and your daughter," Charles asked politely as they all took their seats.

"Oh! We haven't even gotten to see your daughter yet! What's her name," Keelan asked around a mouthful of food with excitement plastered on his face. As per Arlandian tradition, the High Lord and High Lady of Arlandia would keep their children out the public's eye for sometime and their daughter still had awhile to go.

"Valeriana's recovering fine. She went to Varialon today to take care of some things, but the baby hasn't been sleeping well," Corvan said simply as he began to eat his meal. The three other men let out slight chuckles at realizing why Corvan was so tired that morning.

"Should've gotten a nanny after all," Rowe joked as Corvan huffed and the others laughed. Suddenly, the door to the private dining room opened and Sloan entered with a crying baby in her arms.

"I apologize for interrupting, but, Lord Corvan, your daughter is having a fit and Valeriana said to bring her to you if she started crying and wouldn't stop. I think she misses her father," Sloan said with a small smile on her face as Corvan quickly stood and took his daughter into his own arms.

Keelan, Rowe and Charles all looked at the baby in shock at how much she resembled Corvan. She had the same green eyes and tan skin, but seemed to have inherited Valeriana's blond hair.

Corvan quickly moved his hand down to his daughter's bottom to see if she needed a new diaper, but it was fine.

"When was her last bottle," Corvan asked Sloan as he sat in the chair he previously occupied and bounced the baby in his arms and patted her back.

"Maybe half an hour ago."

"You're not hungry. Your diaper is fine and you definitely slept more than I did last night. Why are you crying," Corvan asked as he held his daughter's head in his hand and leaned down until he was nose to nose with her and kissed her small nose. As if she was a faucet, her crying stopped and she started cooing at her father like she had in the early hours of the morning.

"Wow, you're good at this dad-stuff," Keelan said as he took in the daughter-father duo in front of him. Corvan simply shrugged as rubbed his daughters soft curls with the pad of his thumb.

"The girls are going to be upset that they missed this," Charles said he made his way to stand behind Corvan to get a better look at the baby and the other two followed suit.

"She is cute," Rowe said gently as he reached his hand towards the little girl and she wrapped her tiny hand around his index finger.

"What's her name? We know you two have already named her," Keelan asked again, eager for an answer. Corvan mentally debated with himself, but after swearing them to secrecy and making them promise they wouldn't tell his wife, he gave in.

"Aubrielle. Her name is Aubrielle."

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