Same as Always

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"Lewis!" Ryan called from his office.

Lewis sprang up, hurriedly walked out of his office room (in an orderly fashion, of course) and stood by Ryan's desk. As Lewis could notice, the man barely ever changed his outfit from anything other than a boring dark gray business suit with a dark red tie. Of course, he understood that Ryan couldn't possibly forget all of his money he stuck and hid in every. Single. Pocket. Why, he'd basically feel naked all day.

But as Ryan saw, Lewis changed his outfit every day. Today, he was wearing a white business suit accentuated with a bright green bowtie. Ryan sighed.
"Lewis, you know good and well this isn't the big top. This isn't some...some wo-"

"Wonderful movie with a happily ever after, I know." Lewis looked away, his eyes peering down at the floor. He knew what was coming once the sentence left his lips.

"....Right." Ryan muttered, looking away. "Just get me a coffee, please."

Lewis nervously walked out into the lobby-entrance area while he briefly glanced back at the office door.
'What had gotten into Ryan today? He's not so....strict. He didn't lecture me for finishing his sentence, for Pete's sake!...oh...of course. He cares about how fast the days go, and I just helped him with it. Oh well.' Lewis thought, and then immediately noticed he had poured too much creamer into Ryan's coffee cup.

"Well, more for me." Lewis grinned and poured the coffee into his own coffee cup before proceeding to make Ryan's again.

Someone burst through the door, the sound startling Lewis and causing him to spill a little bit of coffee on his right leg. Two men had entered, one about the same height as Lewis and one about 4 inches taller.

"We're here to see... Mr. Ryan?" The one about Lewis' height had said, reading from a small business card.

"Y-yes, just give me a second." Lewis had finished making their cups of coffee and proceeded to go back into Ryan's office, silently wincing from the coffee burn.

No One Knows You Like I Do (Dawko x 8-BitRyan)Where stories live. Discover now