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Ryan's jaw dropped.
"It's your birthday today." Lewis explained, a smile spread across his face and a cheerful look in his eyes.
"...It is???" Ryan's eyes got watery.
"Yeh! It's June 24th!"
Ryan checked his calendar. Of course, it was the 24th.

"Lewis, I..."
"Hold on, Mr. Ryan. Gotta set up the cake." He stuck 25 candles in the cake.
"They're all my favorite color!!!"
"Why wouldn't they be?"

Lewis lit the candles before singing happy birthday to him. Ryan couldn't help but smile like a goof the whole time, which kept Lewis smiling too.
As Ryan made his wish and blew out the candles, Lewis took a card out of the grocery bag and gave it to him. Ryan quickly opened it and read it.

          Mr. Ryan,

You are the greatest person I have ever met. No matter what challenges come our way, I hope we can face them together. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
                            Lewis Dawkins

Ryan couldn't hold it back any longer. Tears ran down his face as he gently placed the card down.
"Please don't cry, Mr. Ryan-"
Lewis was interrupted by Ryan hugging him.
"Just call me Ryan." Ryan choked out happily. Lewis felt Ryan's tears absorb into his business suit. He hugged back with Ryan's head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry about crying..."
"It's alright, Ryan. I'm here for you." Lewis blushed at the situation they were in.

Ryan let go of him. He sniffed and wiped his tears. Lewis wiped away a tear on his cheek that he missed.
"Let's dig into this cake...shall we?" Ryan smiled at him. Lewis nodded and, with his finger, took some of the icing on the edge of the cake and booped Ryan's nose with it. Ryan laughed.

"Why you little..." Ryan took some icing and smushed it against Lewis' cheek. Lewis chuckled.
"We're gonna get dirty now, huh?" Lewis took a handful of cake and smushed it on Ryan's face.
"Alright, alright, too much cake." Ryan smiled and took some cake from his face and tasted it.
"Ryan, is it okay if your suit gets cake all over it?"
Ryan smirked.
"Oh, it's on!" Ryan took some cake and smushed it on his arm.
"Ryan!" Lewis smiled and smushed cake on Ryan's chest.

After an hour, they were laying on the floor, giggling. Cake was splattered on the walls, on the floor, in their hair, on their faces, and especially, all over their business suits.

"We need to clean this up." Ryan smiled as his heartwarming brown eyes met Lewis' ice blue ones.

No One Knows You Like I Do (Dawko x 8-BitRyan)Where stories live. Discover now