We Need to Talk

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Lewis sat in his chair, barely able to process what happened.
'That weird guy kissed Ryan...and....and Ryan didn't do anything about it.' He became consumed in his own thoughts.

'Can you believe it! Five whole years of working with hi-...for him. And he turns around and kisses another man just like that!?'
'Lewis, look, he never liked you.'
'I can dream! I can dream, dammit!'
Lewis sighed.

'At least you know he's gay.'
'But what if he's not?'
'Do you think he'd be straight after that kind of a thing happened? No! You saw the look on his face.'
'Just give it up. He's always been treating you like you were trash.'
'You're right, you're right. He gives me a decent amount of money.'

Lewis' thoughts became silent. His eyes wandered around the room, at all of the inspirational posters and colorful drawings he's stuck on the walls. He's even carved a couple of hearts into his desk. Three long years since Ryan has ever set foot into this room. Three long years since anyone has ever set foot into this room.

Ryan had once reprimanded him about wasting all of his money on colorful things. He said it promoted a sense of silliness and it's not serious enough for a job like this.

'The only man you've been working with who you trusted, and he doesn't even love you. He doesn't even care for you as much as you care for him. You can see it. Everyone can see it.'
'Except for that weird Marcus guy...he doesn't even see me.'
'It's because he knows he has a chance...You never had a chance, Lewis.'

'I...I know.' He silently admitted to himself, and his vision blurred slightly. Tears started streaming down his face. The only man he had counted on for five years, the one who he thought would carry the load with him. All the times Ryan had to teach Lewis how to organize the files, all the times Ryan stormed into the room for some silly reason that made Lewis smile and chuckle a bit, all the times that Lewis was treated as more than just some servant of his. All of it was gone...all of it was for nothing.

Lewis sniffed. The door creaked open a tad bit.
'Oh, sugar.' Lewis looked up to see Ryan there.
"M-Mr. Ryan, i-i-it's not what it l-looks like!" Lewis hurried to go tear one of the posters off the wall.

"No! No...that's not what I'm here for." Ryan sighed. Lewis stared at him with his brow furrowed in absolute confusion.

Ryan stared back, with an expression in his eyes that was vaguely familiar to Lewis, but yet unrecognizable. Lewis cleared his throat, took a napkin from his desk and wiped his tears away. He sat back down in his chair, trying to look as calm and reserved as possible.

"First of all, don't ever speak of what happened." Ryan listed.
"You mean, with the kiss, from that guy-"
"Yes! Yes. That. Don't ever speak of that. Ever. Please."
Lewis nodded, wide-eyed.

"And second...I've been thinking a lot about the way I've been treating you lately."
Ryan could tell Lewis was definitely listening.

"...I...I realized that...that I've been working you to the brink sometimes..."
"Aw, it's alright, Mr. Ryan!"
"No, it...it's not. Lewis, I...I'm sorry for everything I've done. I've just been terrible, and staring at the same four walls every day have just about driven me crazy! I don't appreciate your work enough..."
"Mr. Ryan...it's fine...it's fine, really. You don't have to apologize for anything! I work for you." Lewis explained.

"...It's still not right of me to..."
"It's fine...it...it really is."
Ryan nodded.
"Alright...Thank you, Lewis."
"No, Mr. Ryan....thank you."
Ryan smiled slightly in satisfaction and closed the door behind him, leaving Lewis alone in his room again.

Lewis looked around the room again and glanced over at the mini-fridge in the corner of the room.

'Of course, We both forgot. It's today.' Lewis smiled cheerfully.
'Time for a surprise.'

No One Knows You Like I Do (Dawko x 8-BitRyan)Where stories live. Discover now