Just Be Safe

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Ryan sat down in his desk and smiled.
'I can't believe how long it's been since the last time I was this happy...I shouldn't have let work get to my head...' he thought.

'You're only happy 'cause you saw that amazing smile again.'

Ryan blushed at the thought.
'Yeah. And his cute accent too.'
'But I have a cute accent!' Ryan smiled even more. He saw Lewis' door open and he panicked for a moment.

"Mr. Ryan?" Lewis asked.
Ryan cleared his throat and tried to put on a straight face.
"Yes, Lewis?"
"May I go to the store? I'll be back before closing time."
Ryan thought about it.

"Be safe. Please." He answered and looked up at Lewis with those big, brown puppy dog eyes. Lewis blushed a little.
"Will do, Mr. Ryan." He smiled and walked out, closing the office door behind him. Ryan waited for a few seconds and slumped in his chair in a dreamy state.
"God, I love that smile..." Ryan's face flushed with warmth.

About 30 minutes had passed, and Ryan was getting a little anxious. He rubbed his hands together. It was getting a little chilly, too.
He heard someone close the door to the lobby-entrance area. Ryan stared at his office door.
Sure enough, the intruder who opened his door was Lewis, holding a grocery bag and a colorful birthday cake.

No One Knows You Like I Do (Dawko x 8-BitRyan)Where stories live. Discover now