Prologue E: Pasta Dinner.

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The next night, Wes took his girlfriend Audrey with him to the Olive Garden for the date he scheduled, and then gave the hostess money to allow them in. The hostess excepted the money, and allowed the teenage couple in.

Audrey was a blonde girl who wore a pink short skirt dress, and a brown coat. "I'm glad we could finally grab something to eat before graduation," Audrey said. "Nothing's to good for the girl I love," Wes said. Finally the couple found a table, and sat down at it, while a waiter. "Can I get you two anything to drink?" the waiter asked. "We'll have two Mixed Berry Sparkling Waters," Wes answered. "I'll be right back then," the waiter said, and left to go get the drinks.

"This place is so beautiful," Audrey said. "The scenery, the music, the food. It feels like we're in Italy." (I'll be working on the third Renaissance based Historical Mysteries story next year. Stop patronizing me.) "True, but this place isn't beautiful enough, because you are the most beautiful thing here," Wes said.

Audrey smiled, and blushed at her lover's statement. "Here are your drinks, now what can I get you lovely couple?" the waiter asked, placing the drinks on the table. "We'll have two orders of bread sticks, and two Tour of Italy's," Wes answered. "Coming right up," the waiter said, and went to take the orders. "So, what have you've been doing since Prom night?" Audrey asked. "I've been busy working in Reggie's school club," Wes answered. "He is the one that gave me the $50.00 gift card for our dinner here."

"I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with you working for that club," Audrey said. "People are starting to get suspicious, because the murders of the Bolts and Screws gang." "All the cops found were the bodies," Wes explained. "Besides, we're only doing this to keep gangs from threatening innocent people." "It's still illegal to kill someone, even if they're a gang member, or boss," Audrey said. "Is Reggie even aware of the outcome that might give him jail time?" "Probably not, but if I do this, everyone in Saint Paul will be safe with gangs off of the street threatening them for cash, and creating drugs," Wes explained. "The city will be clean from those people if I keep doing it. I'm sure the authorities will understand."

"They won't," Audrey said. "Gang member, boss, or not. Vigilante work is still a threat to the law enforcement. You need to get out of that club." "Okay, I will," Wes said. "I'll just talk with Reggie, and maybe he'll let me out so we won't have any harm, or foul done." "Your food sir," the waiter said, coming back to the table with bread sticks, and food for both of them. "Thank you, and here's payment for your hard work," Wes said pulling out the gift card, and gave it to the waiter. "Hope you enjoy you're meal," the waiter said, and walked off. Wes, and Audrey then spent the rest of the night eating their dinner.


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