Chapter 29: No One Escapes Death Part 02.

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Ject got himself surrounded, as thousands of demonic warriors gathered around him. "Well, this is something I've never been prioritized with," Ject said. "Looper, want to share a demon beating round up with me?"

The gunslinger's pet falcon cawed to answer yes, and flew towards one of the demons scratching it with it's metallic talons. "I guess birds of a feather do fly together," Ject said. "Good thing I bottled up some holy water on the way here, and purchased a water rifle at the dollar store. Put them together, and you have the perfect weapon to kill demons." Ject tested his new weapon on one of them, and it got disintegrated into dust.

"Well it actually works," Ject said. The demons came back into the mansion, and ran off by drawing a pentagram on the floor. "I need to hire myself a stronger team of inccubi," Rage said. "Fine, I guess I'll have to deal with you myself." Rage jumped out of the room, and met up with Ject so he could fight him.

"Bitch, I have a water gun," Ject said. "Your goose is fried." "Let's hope you're water gun is fireproof, because I have something that'll cook you alive," Rage said, and raised his mask up, to shoot a fire ball out of his mouth. The fire ball then destroyed the water gun filled with holy water, and Ject was left with just his pet robot falcon, and his laser pistol. "You've been disarmed by me, gunslinger," Rage said. "I suggest you take a hike, or you'll die up here, by my own powers. My boss would be honored to have your corpse for dinner."

"Like I would ever be make a good meal served by a Creepypasta reject," Ject said, and tried to shoot at the masked demon, but Rage dodged every laser blast, and sliced his chest off. Wes came out of the roof still carrying the woman he shot, and ripped arm off, and went to the edge of the roof to drop her. "What is your friend doing?" Ject asked. "Just a little delivery," Rage answered. "Once he let's go of the woman, she'll go splat more than when you swat a mosquito. So I believe my work here is done." Rage did a back flip back into the room, and went through the pentagram to escape back to Hell. Ject walked up to the edge of the roof to confront the reaper, and pulled a gun on him.

"Hey, Cyber Goth," Ject said. "Drop the woman, and you'll be bound to end up in prison." "As if I would listen to a cowboy with purple hair, and an animatronic parrot," Wes said. "He's a falcon you retard," Ject explained. "Don't bother trying to stop me," Wes said. "I am avenging my own death to see if I can get my life back, and the only way to do that, is to turn her into a large pavement stain." "Think about what you're doing," Ject said. "You can't kill your way out of the things you want back. Either advice justice, or do nothing about it." "It's too late for that, because I'm not wasting the rest of my time with you. I'm here for my revenge, and I will get it."


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