Chapter 28: No One Escapes Death Part 01.

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Once everything, and everyone started floating in the air, except for the disguised demons, and Rage, Wes started using the floating tables as stairs to get up to the balcony. "And you," Wes said. "Reggie sent you to kill me, disguised as a fake rogue."

Wes then snapped his fingers while he still had the gloves on, and everything that was floating fell back down to the ground. "You've given me a lot of pain, bitch," Wes said, as he ejected the gravity card from his phone. "Pain, that you wouldn't believe I felt. You stabbed one of my knees, and one of my elbows making me think I wouldn't be able to walk normal again, but all you managed to do was create holes in my limbs."

Vanessa tried to shoot the reaper again, but his scythe sliced it in half before she could pull the trigger. Then the woman tried to punch the reaper, but Wes caught the fist before he could get hit. "Now if I remember correctly, when you killed me in that church, the pain felt something a bit like this," Wes said, and twisted Vanessa's arm so much, that he ripped it off her body.

"Yeah, that's what it felt like," Wes said. "Only difference is, I'm still alive after fifteen years. Let's see how long you'll survive after I'm through with you." Wes placed his scythe back up, and pulled out one of his firearms to point at the woman. Vanessa then tried to sweep trip the reaper, but Wes shot her leg before she could manage. Wes then grabbed Vanessa by her good arm, and looked at her. "Now you know the pain you gave me when you murdered me, but now it's your turn to suffer," Wes said.

"Uh, excuse me," someone said, causing the reaper to turn, and find Ject the time travelling vampire gunslinger. "Can I come in through here, or do I need to break my own window to get in?" Rage noticed the gunslinger, and panicked. "Sh*t, what's he doing here?" Rage whispered to himself. "He's going to ruin our bosses plan. Well, looks like we'll have to ruin him before he can manage. DEMONS, UNCLOAK, AND KILL THE GUNSLINGER." The demons took off their catering disguises, revealing themselves to everyone in the room. Reggie tried to buzz for security, but they wouldn't pick up. "Where the f*** is security when you need it?" Reggie asked. Rage finally revealed himself, after all of the demons unmasked.

"Well you managed to show up, and foil my bosses plans after all, gunslinger," Rage said. "The lord of Hell has a place for your head to be." "I'm not sure who you are, but I'm actually here to arrest someone who's been killing all of the criminal gangs here," Ject explained. "I was going to capture the gangs after I got to there hideout, but all I could find in the only seven I looked were pools of blood, and pentagrams drawn on the walls. My guess is that you bastards probably did it." "Who cares now, the important thing is you fooled a good party crash, and you're going to pay for it," Rage said. "Get him." The demons flew up to Ject, and started attacking.


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