Best friend?...

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Hey guys!

I am back with the next update...


Next day...

Scene opens with naksh entering the college...

He smiles looking the entrance...As it was totally different from his London college...

There is so much hustle bustle here...He wanted to make many friends...

He enters the gate and asks some guys about the principal room...

They look at him from top to bottom and leaves...

"hey! Where's principal room...? "

They don't even turn...

Like this, everyone... everyone including the staff behave weird with him...

He happens to come across lucky and his gang laughing at him...

Naksh understands everything and just goes away to the class room...

He feels bad...U r always alone naksh...

He chuckles lightly...

It continues for two more days...

Naksh was ill treated in the college...

By getting ignored... By getting pranked...and by getting insulted...

He just tolerated all for his family...He doesn't want them to fight with lucky for him...

Scene opens in the college...

It was lunch time...And everyone was in the canteen except naksh who was sitting in the classroom itself reading something munching his sandwich...

And ragini was walking with a list in her hand...

"god! So many works... I need someone for this to get it done... "

She was speaking to herself when she notices naksh sitting all alone in the class room...

She walks into it but stops remembering laksh...

What if lucky gets angry if I talk to naksh...

But I have to talk to him for the fest...

Everyone has to get involved...

She finally steps in and goes to his bench...

"hii naksh... "

"oh! Hi ragini..." he smiles.

She sits next to him and that came as a surprise to him...

He offers her a sandwich to which she smiles and takes it...

"thank you... "

"what's up! U are stuck with so many papers..."

"oh yeah! We have the college fest coming up...and I am the event manager...

So, making list of the competitions.. "

"great! "

"so, tell me what will u take part in..."

"I know nothing other than studies...

But I am OK at sports..."

He smiles sheepishly...

She laughs "u r my category then... "

Naksh looks at her confused...

"that's y I am the event manager...As I too know nothing... "

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