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Hey guys!

I am back with the good bye part...


2 years later...

Scene opens in an award function...

"the best singer award goes to Mrs. Ragini maheshwari"

Ragini covers her mouth and hugs lucky tightly...

"thank u... Love u "

"love u too baccha.. "

She was called to get the prize and she requests that she wants to receive it by her husband...

Lucky smiles recalling his dream and goes to the stage and gives her the award...

And hugs her... "congrats bunny... "

"thank u...nothing was possible without u... " her eyes brimmed...

It was watched by their family on TV and all will be happy for her...

Raglak come home and everyone wish ragini hugging...

Krish also hugs her and she gives him chocolate cake and laksh eyes widens at that...

And everyone laughs at him...

Ragini takes kavisan one year old daughter sanvi in her arms and twirls...
"aww... Baby "

Suji "chori! Ab tumhari baari... Chota lucky aur chota Bunny dene ko... "

Ragini shies and runs to her room...

Lucky back hugs her....

"so what u think about chachi said...! "

Ragini blushes and hides her face in his chest...

He chuckles...

"okay... Leave that and close ur eyes... "

She looks at him confused...

"arrey bunny! Close naa... "
He says like kid..

She smiles and closes her eyes...

He smiles and brings something from the cupboard...

"bunny... "

She opens her eyes to find 2 bangles..

She opens her eyes to find 2 bangles

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Her eyes shines...

And he makes her wear them... "I wanted to give u long back...

But the time as come now... It's from the first profit of my RL enterprises...

Her eyes brim... She traces them... "beautiful... "

He kisses her hands... "u made them beautiful..."

She shakes her head in disbelief...

"u r bad at being a poet... "

He narrows his eyes at her..and later smirks...
"accha! I ll show u what I am good at... "

I LOVE YOU... 😍 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now