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Hey everyone!

I am back with the next update...



After fest...

Scene opens with naksh and swara in the car...

Swara will be sobbing...
"how can lucky leave me and go home...

I am tired with his this behaviour..."

She wipes her tears...

Naksh too was disturbed...

Why did ragini go back home in middle of the fest...

She didn't even tell me...

I was speaking with mom on video call and couldnot see her getting prize...


And lucky too had left early...


Hope he has not hurt her again...

He keeps thinking about raglak while swara continues her nonsense...

He stops the car and bids her bye...

She hugs him while he makes faces... "thanks naksh "

And runs to her home while naksh goes to MM...


Scene opens with swara going to her room while sumi stops her...

"swara! What u doing?
He was naksh right...!

If laksh sees u with him, everything will get spoiled.

Ur dream will get destroyed...my dream will get destroyed...

U know I want to see u as MM bahu...and "

"and kick ragini out of our lives... "
Swara laughs maniac."don't worry Maa! Our dream will definitely get full filed...

U know what naksh is richer than laksh... He has both maheshwari as well guptha identity...

I planned to create rift between nak and lak and send him back...

But u know, he is far better than lucky...

He lives in London...

Ek baar unhe pasadu, we can rule everyone... "

She laughs while sumi looks at that surprised...

"swara! What r u saying...u sure that will work... "

"of course... When laksh had only fallen for me, naksh is nothing in front of him...

But I need to play a good girl character to woo him...

In fact, I am already fed up of that idiotic laksh...

Even after being my bf, he always goes behind that behenji...

And this time, ek nishaan!
Theen jaan... "

She laughs evilly... And sumi too laughs...


Scene opens with naksh going to laksh room...

It was locked...He knocks many times...

But he doesn't open...

Krish comes there "naksh chachu! What happened to lucky?

I saw him crying... And he is not opening the door even when after I agreed to give him my cake... "

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