I will marry naksh...

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Hey guys!

I am back with the next update...

Read till the end..


Scene opens with ragini looking at naksh shocked...

"naksh! We already had a discussion over it...

And I said my point of view also... "

Laksh becomes restless...

She holds his hand...

"naksh! U will get a better girl than me...

But I promise to be ur side as a friend life long...

Don't get into heart... "

Laksh feels as if he got his life back...

This is what he was waiting to hear...

Everything got cleared for him...

But he smirks thinking something...

"ragini! Laksh won't love u back...

But I do...Y don't u give me a chance? "

"naksh! " she widens her eyes...
"what's wrong with u? "

"that's what! What's wrong with u ragini...why can't u see my love...

Instead u r blind for lucky...

What's that u love in him which I don't have...

Even I have same face, same status... In fact, I am far more better than him..

I am a gentleman unlike a play boy like him... "

He shouts...

She looks at him in disbelief and was about to go away while he holds her back...

"I need my answer... " he asks her looking into her eyes...

"u need ur answer....? "

He nods while she too sits down... "listen then! "

"u can have his face, status and might be better than him...

Still I can't love u...

Because u can never be my lucky... "

Laksh looks at her confused...


U cannot be my lucky who calls me bunny...

U cannot be my lucky who gets angry when I am not around...

U cannot be my lucky who gets confused with two things...

U cannot be my lucky who hurts himself for hurting his dear ones...

U cannot be my lucky who steals krish chocolate cake...

U cannot be my lucky who is very much possessive of me...

U cannot be my lucky who does nothing without my best of luck wishes...

U cannot be my lucky who gets pacified only by me...

U cannot be my lucky who pranks on me, irritate me, insult me...

U cannot be my lucky who does only what he wants...

U cannot be my lucky who keeps people around him happy doing nothing...

U cannot be my lucky to whom I can die for...

Laksh closes her mouth and nods in no... tears roll down his eyes...

I LOVE YOU... 😍 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now