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Hey guys!

Hope u all like it...


Scene opens in swara room.

She is shown throwing all the things...

How dare he!

How dare he shout at me... He called me useless...

I am fed up of his mood swings... U gonna pay for this laksh...

She fumes...



Scene opens with laksh waiting for ragini and naksh in the car...

He keeps honking and none comes... Except swara who was wearing her sandals...

Ap comes to him...

"laksh! Ragini and naksh have left already...

They need to go library it seems... "

He bangs the steering and starts the car...

"lucky " swara keeps shouting at lucky driving at wind speed...

Scene opens in the canteen where laksh was sitting with upset mood and swara pacifying him....

"baby! U r upset...u need a break...

Let's go on holidays... "

"swara!! " he holds his aching head as he didn't sleep whole night...

"lucky! There is only three days for the fest...

We didn't practise for couple dance... " she asks holding his arm...

"nikil! Take my name out of the fest... "

"lucky " swara shouts...

"plz swara! I am not in the mood to go anything..."

That time, they see ragnak coming out of the library with many books...


Lucky closes his eyes at that...

Swara observes him and smirks...

"I don't get what ragini is up-to...

Till yesterday, she was telling how much she loves you and how much u hurt her and all...

But see lucky! Isn't she going very close to naksh..."

Laksh becomes sad at that...
Even he was feeling the same...

"Laksh nahi tho naksh... How can she stoop so low...

She is trying her luck on naksh now...Che... "

Laksh glares swara while she gulps her saliva...

She silently goes off not wanting to get slapped by him...

Ragnak come to laksh...

"hey bro! " naksh waves.

"u guys came so early today leaving me " he asks raising his eyebrow at ragini...

"u know what laksh! Ur twin is taking part in quiz..

And the Einstein needed my help in selecting books to read..."

Laksh just nods...

"what happened? "she asks.

"nothing... " saying that he goes off.

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