My twin??...

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Hey guys!

I am back with the next update...



Scene opens with ragini entering the college...

Swaraglak are studying final year Business studies..

Be strong ragini...Be strong.
Don't show up ur tears...He is not worth it...

She was preparing mentally to witness Swara and laksh together...

Though Swara didn't say yes to laksh, ragini knew even she too needs the same...

She needs everything ragini has...That is how her life is going since 5 years of her entry...

She leaves a sigh and walks towards canteen to see both laughing at something.

She just ignores and goes to order her food...

And finally settles on a chair far from them...

Everything changed... Everything changed within a day...raglak would never sit separately neither in the class nor in the canteen...

"hey Bunny! " lucky shouts and comes to her...

"why u sitting here all alone? "

"umm...I thought to give u some space...U guys carry on... "

"arrey yaar! This is too much...u know my food doesn't get digested without u next to me... "

He drags her to his table...

Don't make me weak lucky! I have composed myself...

"Bunny! I am ur best friend still! Right?? "

Ragini bends her head and nods in yes...

"that's like my khalo, " he forwards a spoon from his plate...

Lucky! Plz don't do this to me... I ll break down.

Swara who was watching all this... "khalo ragini! How can u deny ur best friend...

She stresses the last word...

And moreover, I don't mind I am open minded u know"

She smiles...

I don't mind! Girl, I am the one who should mind u for snatching my lucky...

Laksh "aww...u know what swara...this is what I like in u..."

He flies a kiss to her and feeds ragini...

Ragini just smiles and eats.

Days roll over...

Lucky had started spending more time with Swara...

It's not that he was ignoring ragini...But swara made sure that she was his priority...

But lucky never failed to talk to her at least once a day...

Ragini got used to all those in this month...

She started ignoring them but it was not that easy...

She had always loved him with her heart and soul...


Early morning...

Scene opens with a young man coming out of the airport with his luggage...

In his casuals...

He turns his face and is revealed to be laksh...sorry sorry naksh...

I LOVE YOU... 😍 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now