Pain of silence... 😧

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Hey guys!

I am back with the next update...


Scene opens in the college...

Class starts and ragini sits in the first bench as usual...

Naksh and laksh enter together and naksh sits next to her...

While laksh ignores her and sits in the last bench...

I won't forgive u till u ask sorry Bunny! I am hurt...

Naksh starts speaking with ragini...

While laksh feels bad and keeps looking at them...

Swara sits next to him...

"GM baby! How u feeling now? "

He just nods in okk without even looking her...

Naksh "beautiful! U okay? "

"han naksh! " she won't talk much and concentrates on the lecture...

Naksh thinks to give her some space...

But he could make out that ragini is upset with something...

Scene opens in the canteen.

Everyone will be present including ragini...

She will be just playing with the food while laksh keeps gazing her but won't initiate the talk...

Ragini lifts her head to him while he turns to swara...

Naksh will be trying to cheer her mood...

He cracks silly jokes for which she used to just smile...

Laksh will be glaring naksh...

And was holding the fork tightly...

At that time, something falls to ragini's eyes...

"aaa... " she keeps rubbing...

While naksh takes off her hand and blows air into her eyes holding her face...

She will be holding his shirt tightly...

That's it! Laksh presses the fork and it pierced his palm...

It starts bleeding and everyone turns to it shocked...

Ragini hisses seeing his bleeding hand and gets up to him...

Laksh finally smiles looking her coming to him...

I knew my bunny can't see me hurt...

But ragini stops realising something and sits back...

He frowns at that...

Nikil "god! Lucky... Ur hand is bleeding man...

Swara take him to the first aid... "

She nods and holds his hand...

But he stops her and ties his kerchief around it...

Naksh "how did it happen?"

Laksh looks at him and finds Ragini glaring him with fidgeting her fingers...

She was controlling her self from going to him...

Lucky observes that and smiles...

Naksh "is it paining? "

Laksh smiles lightly...

"this is nothing in front of the pain given by dear ones... Don't worry... "

Naksh doesn't understand...

I LOVE YOU... 😍 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now