Chapter 9

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"W-Wait, listen to me for a moment" I pleaded to her "Something anomalous just took place I swear! I-It was just the afternoon literally not 30 seconds ago, it was even not twilight yet! Then I just shouted a-and when I opened my eyes just now, you're saying this scene is legit!" I explained to her quite defensively
"Cole!" she shouted at me with legitimate anger "I never expected you to be this ludicrous! Get yourself together for your own sake!" she reprimanded me while furiously gesturing and shouting to exhort me.
I felt her rage. It was in no way a façade, so I was really scared of her. This is the first time she shouted at me this way, but I am not in the wrong here.
"Here" I said as I show her my phone "Look at what time it is!" I beseeched of her.
Maeve looked at my phone, it was 5:39 p.m., a few minutes after I myself checked the time.
"So what are you trying to say here?" Maeve responded dazedly.
"The fact that the time in my phone passed according to how I feel which tells that, from my own perspective, the time leapt itself!" I explained enthusiastically.
"Nice one, Sherlock." she replied mockingly "I didn't know you were also in to detective stuff, but you had too much of those." she added.
Once again, she did not believe me. I could not understand why she would always just deny what I am trying to make her see, but I know I am the right one this time, so I did not yield.
"Look, I know you feel extremely infuriated, but I'm not kidding. You need to believe me, Maeve. I would never do you any bad, you're my closest friend." I said, in attempts to be cathartic.
Maeve looked me dead in the eye, and her eyes softened. It seemed I knocked some sense to her, or so I thought.
"After screaming for hours like an idiot, and having me here worry about you, you put up this child's play?" Maeve replied to me fervidly.
After uttering those words, she walked away and left me with a heavy heart. I was taken aback by what she has said, but it was her decision not to believe me and leave just like that. Still, I could not wrap my head around the fact the she refused to believe me. She is the only person that is alongside me in this aberrant discovery, yet she chose not to see what is right in front of her.
As bad as I feel, she was my friend, so I chased after her.
"Maeve wait!" I shouted for her to hear in quite a distance while running,
She seemed to have heard me, but would not back. I decide to stray away a bit from chasing her to go after my bike. After I got on, I pedaled as hard as I could.
"Maeve, come on! Don't be like this! We could sort this out without this unwanted drama and I know you want that too!" I asserted assuredly while panting.
She was in the middle of crossing the empty road, when she stopped and looked back. I could tell she inhaled deeply before she shouted:
"Alright! You win! Let's talk" Maeve finally gave up.
Those words made me feel so jovial and excited, that I pedaled even faster. I was sure to reach her a my former pace in about a minute and a half, but I decided I could wait any longer. The thought of her finally opening up made me feel vivacious. I seemingly wanted to reach her in a flash. My effervescence was overpowering. As I pedal I only looked at her, when suddenly a flash of light blinded me. I fell out of my bike and rolled on the down because of the pace I was going. The light was too luminescent that I was prioritizing in recovering my eyes than checking the other parts of my body for injuries. Shortly then, I recovered with only light scratches. I stood up, and found another anomalous scene. It was still night, but this time the road was full of cars and people. The people were crowding in the middle of the road. I could not see what was in it, so I walk near some people. As I approach someone to ask questions, I turned my head and noticed the police cars around. I turned my head again to face a mother carrying her child be their car.
"Excuse me miss" I startled her a bit "What's with all the fuss?" I asked right off the bat.
"Oh, you must be almost caught up in this unfortunate twist of events. We were on our family trip just peacefully driving, then got stuck in the traffic. That's when we heard the bad news." she explained.
"What bad news?" I further catechized.
"According to what reached us, a short-haired and white skinned girl was hit by a speeding car. The police's initial findings found earphones, so they suspect the girl didn't see it coming." She explained while comforting her child as she spoke.
I felt a sudden chill go down my spine. Half of me still ratiocinates, but the other half already anticipated the grim possibility. I rushed and jammed through the crowd. Yellow lines were all over the bloody scene, I found their something I wish I did not. It was her cellphone, the screen was cracked, it was unlocked and the wallpaper gave it away. I was sure the road was empty a while ago, but everything happened in a flash. The only explanation I could think of was the blinding light was the car approaching, but it luminated and vanished too quickly. As if a long time fleets briefly relative to me. I felt that I was on the verge of approaching something, and I am only accelerating towards it.

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