Ch.1: The Plan

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Gia was 17 now and believed her parents were ruining her life. So much so that she was at the point of no return. She had to take control of her life, no matter what the consequences would be for leaving Greendale. So many people had pretended as if they'd be there for her, as if they'd finally save her one day but then reality sunk in and she was going to spend another year of her life with her parents. That was why she had no regrets as leaving day came closer.

Before, when Gia would get so angry at how pitiful her life was, it would always lead to her acting out in some fashion. She'd stay out late with no notice or miss school for days on end. Just so that she could still find some reassurance that her parents couldn't control her, even if it meant they'd only punish Gia for it again. 

Luckily for her, Gia's friend, Sabrina, was always conveniently there to take her mind away. They'd met in middle school and pretty much gotten along ever since. Now unlike Gia, Sabrina was the most open person she'd ever met and her biggest troubles seemed to be sitting around bored. But she'd been the only person Gia really had until the night of homecoming, where she'd met two other nervous freshmen just like her named Destiny and Maria. And she'd managed to stay friends with all three of them since. 

Gia's friends were the only thing she would have once she left Greendale. Although everybody had warned Gia that the girls were bad influences, she chose to hang out with them anyway. She knew there was some truth to what others said about them, but she still wanted to be free. And they weren't as bad as you'd think, more just free-spirited or independent. But after talking to them for so long, it seemed they were anything but bad influences, and coming from Gia that was a high bar to set. 

Despite that, most people still would think Gia was the way she was because of them. Even though the truth was she had chosen this for herself. She always acted like this, direct and tough even before them.

The only difference was that...she was just alone back then.

It was only her and...

...them. Her parents.

And all the girls had gotten along pretty well up until Gia and Destiny had gotten into a falling out only a few months ago. The reason why Gia didn't like to think about that anymore...

So now, the only people escaping to the sanctuary of Gia's aunt's home was an unfazed Sabrina who seemed the most excited at the whole running away ordeal than anyone else, then there was Maria who was the most optimistic and, at the same time, pessimistic of the girls when she heard the idea. Lastly, there was the impatient Gia who was eager and also nervously awaiting for the taste of freedom. 

The plan was to go to Gia's aunt's home. 

That was the only place Gia had ever felt safe. Which she hadn't really felt for a long time since Gia's parents had broken ties with her years ago. When Gia had hidden out at her aunt's home, out of fear of what she'd come back to in her own home. But her parents found her. With a car horn blaring outside and Gia's father pounding against Aunt Soph's front door. They had come to force Gia back home. 

But the moment Aunt Soph had seen the erratic state Gia's father was in, spitting and barely able to stand up straight from the booze or drugs, whatever it was this time, she hid Gia away from him. 

Then he came inside, breaking down her door so that the neighborhood dogs were howling and a mess of onlookers peered through their windows at the scene. The moment he got in, Aunt Soph couldn't do anything else. He was already ripping Gia out of her arms, shrouding Gia in the stench of alcohol that he practically wore as a signature cologne. And he continued dragging her out the door into his old pick-up. That'd been the last time Gia saw Aunt Sophie or even talked to her. 

Gia never knew how but they managed to permanently scare her Aunt off after that. Even Gia herself was too scared to ever mention Aunt Soph's name ever again. 

That was until Gia had been sick at school one afternoon, waiting in the nurse's office for hours since no one was able to reach her own parents. It was probably one of the only times Gia had actually wished they would come to get her. The vomiting and dizziness had seemed to cloud her head, making her actually wish for the last people that she'd ever wanted help from her entire life. And seeing her terribly ill state, the nurses dug up old contact info for any family they could possibly call for Gia. Hearing that nurse say Sophie O' Neale, any cloudiness in Gia's head broke instantaneously. She could finally talk to her!

That was when this long-debated plan took footing. Gia actually had a way out.

She had made sure to ask her Aunt Sophie beforehand if Gia could visit and though her aunt had agreed, she made no promises. But that was all Gia needed. Because getting there, she could do all on her own. She would do it. So that was why Gia prayed profusely that this worked out for all of them. She needed this. 

Gia's aunt's home wasn't exactly the closest place to Greendale, so beforehand, Sabrina had made arrangements with some old friend neither Gia or Maria had ever met. They'd make a stop at the town nearest Greendale first, a place called Beacon Hills. A place they knew nothing about besides the fact that Gia's aunt used to live there once upon a time and her son, Adam, still does. 

It'd been a long time since Gia had last talked to her cousin, so it pretty much felt like she knew nothing of the place. She and the rest of the girls were really taking a risk here. 

Sabrina assured the others many times that she'd known this old friend since elementary school; she'd always been a best friend to her. But besides that, Sabrina had remained private about this stranger and now that 8 o'clock (a.k.a. the time for mission escape) was nearing, Gia couldn't help but begin to question this. And despite all of these doubts, Gia still readied her things to get on her way to Beacon Hills. Because there was no time for second-guessing. Not anymore.

(AN: Sneak peek of the story to come, i know it was short but this is just to test the waters. If people are interested then I'll upload the next chapter of Beacon Hills on Monday. Make sure to tell me what you think! It helps a lot! Alright, I'll see you soon...)

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