Ch. 26: Werewolves Are Real

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(An: Sorry for the shorter chapter, but i hope you still enjoy! Please continue to comment! And see you soon...)

(Song Recommendation: Continue to listening to Meet Me On The Battlefield by SVRCINA until the end of the chapter. Hope you enjoy!)

Gia ran quickly, ignoring the pulsing in her feet and numbing in her hands from the cold. Something else whistled by her, this object landing in a tree right next to her and echoing a sharp whistling sound over and over. It hurt her head and she steered her trail away from where whoever it was was firing. It sounded like several voices so it had to be a group. There was no use asking why they were doing this so Gia just pushed herself forward. An arrow came flying near her, making her turn through large trees. Just as she was about to pass through a bush she heard a loud running come from behind her and large arms wrapped around her pulling her back.

"NO, NO! LET ME G-" Their hand covered tightly around her mouth, stopping her from yelling but she struggled furiously against their strong body.

"Shut up, shut up. I'm trying to help you!" A male voice whispered into her ear as he pulled her back toward some trees. She continued to struggle, fighting for her life. "Stop! They'll kill you if they find you." He warned, making Gia stop cold as she heard the group's voices nearby.

"Find it! Look closely around!" Someone called as Gia allowed the stranger to hold her tightly behind a tree as they kept as still as possible. As she stopped struggling he eased his hand from her mouth to let her breath but both remained as quiet as possible as they heard the men's footsteps. She didn't dare move and it was him that eased them both forward. She could barely see him as they crept forward. The men were nearby but the stranger seemed to trust his movement and guided her slowly in the same direction he went. Finally, he looked back and Gia looked in the same direction. She swore she couldn't see anything but as if he had this entire forest memorized, the stranger eased down a slanting dip. One wrong turn from her without his help and she probably would've fallen down the steep dip. She would've been gone for good.

He helped her keep a stable balance as they quietly stepped down and away from the group. Her arm-wound began to sting more and she bit down her jaw to hold back any reaction to it. Finally, he grabbed onto a tree, taking Gia's hand he helped her move from the steep dip to leveled ground with the sounds of the men fading behind them. She had no idea where she was going and she had a harder time understanding how he did. She could barely see her own feet. Nonetheless, move through this as swiftly as he was.

"Be careful." He helped her move over the terrain of rocks. They maneuvered through huge boulders and all the while, this person was helping her get through it for some reason. As more distance grew from those group of men, both stopped. He stood still, looking back in the direction they came and concentrating as if he was trying to listen in. "Okay, we're good for now."

"How do you know?" Gia questioned, fearing that at any second another explosion would come right next to her.

"This isn't my first time with those pricks, unlike you." He added, looking back at her.

"Why were they firing? Who are they?"

"Uh..." He stopped for a moment, confused. "They're hunters."

"Hunters?" Hunters? What the hell were hunters doing hunting human beings? He paused, confused at her lack of knowledge.

"Yeah..." He answered slowly before he paused again, looking Gia over."You're bleeding." He managed to notice in the almost complete darkness of the forest. She could barely discern the silhouette of his body from the forest; how did he know she was bleeding?.

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