Chapter 7

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David PoV:
Every single one of us, arrived at the studio at the same time, for the last auditions and for Amanda's last ever time here.
Newspaper people came rushing up to us asking questions about how we feel because Amanda is leaving, and if BGT will still be on.
None of us really said anything because we we were all just stuck in the moment that Amanda is actually leaving. When the news reports left we ran inside, we took a seat in the judges room and chatted, I looked over to Alesha who looked mad and Simon who looked upset. The room and everyone's energy was dull, I've never seen any of us (including me) so upset. The main producer of the show came in and asked if we could all huddle up to take on last photo of us all together. We all gathered up and the photo was taken.

It wasn't the best photo because everyone was looking in different directions, but I'll treasure it for ever

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It wasn't the best photo because everyone was looking in different directions, but I'll treasure it for ever.
We was called to start the auditions so we walked hand in hand to the judging panel. We took our seats and on came Ant and Dec. "So you all have probably seen the news." They began saying. I turned around and I could see Amanda was confused. "What is on the news now?" She mumbled under her breath. I don't think she knows that when she told us last night, that her leaving some how got leaked and the news found out about it. "Today is Amanda's last ever time on Britain's Got Talent, Because she is of to start a new chapter in her life back on Wild At Heart." The crowd began to mumble, Alesha was in tears, so was Amanda, me and Simon wiped away our tears and Ant and Dec was standing there not really knowing what to do.

Skip the auditions until the last one~

Dec PoV:
The final audition was a little girl called Anna, she was 6 years old and she sang. Her voice was beautiful, she wrote a song for Amanda about how everyone will miss her. Ant and I could see in Amandas eyes that the song means a lot too her. She finished her audition and everyone was in tears, including us. Anna got a standing ovation and Simon's golden buzzer!
"That's was a beautiful song Anna, I'll treasure it forever and I'm so glad that Simon pressed his golden buzzer, you really do have something special." Amanda said wiping away her tears. After all the judges finished talking I called them up for one last group hug. "I'll miss you all so so much." Amanda wept. We stayed in that position for a while until Amanda moved and told us this: "guys this is probably the last time I'm going to see you for a long long time, I just want to thank you for not freaking out when I told you and I can't believe I have to go, I really don't want to but I have too, I love you all so so much." Once She said that she grabbed Simon's hand and ran of with him. "Aww that's the last Simanda moment we're going to see in a long time." Ant said. I truly can't believe that this is happening, but I'm starting to think that there a different reason why Amanda's leaving, she said she doesn't want to go but she HAS too. What does that mean? I'm beginning to believe that someone or is behind her decision, but who could it be?...

Simon PoV:
Amanda grabbed my hand and ran of, I followed behind her cause I hand no choice. I heard little crying noises and I realised that she's crying. "Aww Mandy I know this is hard for you." I told her pulling her in for a hug. "But at least we're going out for dinner tonight." She moved away and took my hand. "Can you walk me to my room?" She asked looking scared. "Of course." We walked hand in hand back to the hotel. This is what I've always wanted.
We arrived at her hotel room and I dropped her if inside. "I'll pick you up at 8?" I questioned. "That's perfect!" She replied. I left her to get ready and I went next door into my room. As i left her room I bumped into Judy?! Why do I keep seeing her everywhere? She gave me a little wink and walked off. Why does she remind me of someone? I ignored her and went into my room.
I all ready picked out my clothes so all I had to do was shower and get dressed.

Amanda PoV:
After Simon left I was about to get ready when suddenly Judy barged through the door. "Well hello Judy." I said not looking to impressed. She just rolled her eyes and forced me to put the news on. I found the channel and they were talking about me. This is what I found:

How does the news know I'm leaving? I guess they were going to find out soon but I never thought it would happen over night

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How does the news know I'm leaving? I guess they were going to find out soon but I never thought it would happen over night. I switched the telly of and went to pick out my clothes. After about 10 minutes of choosing I finally found the perfect one, It's a beautiful red, long sleeved dress which Alesha brought me for Christmas last year. I put it on, did my makeup and straightened my hair.

I finished just in time, before Simon picked me up

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I finished just in time, before Simon picked me up. I grabbed my bag and opened the door before Si could even knock. "How did you know it was me?" He asked as the door flung open. "I heard your  footsteps." I answered. He took my hand and off we went. "You look stunning be the way." He said...

Judy PoV:
Hello readers, remember be? So soon Amanda will be of in Africa filming her stupid show and I can have Simon all to myself. Do you remember a while back I mentioned I did something to the Wild At Heart cast? Well I put them under a spell, you want to know why? Well I know Amanda will probably come back a lot earlier so I'm going to make something terrible happen so she will never ever come back. Can you guess what that is? Let's just say an episode of Wild at Heart In season 3 is going to come true! If you don't know what I'm getting at we'll watch Wild At Heart season 3 episode 7 and 8!  Hahahahaha!

                           To be continued...
So there you go the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed this part and the next one is the Simanda chapter! YES!!
I wonder what Judy's evil plan is? 😂
Until next time! Also feel free to share this story! I'd live for more people to rad it.
Xoxoxo Ella

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