Chapter 10

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Alesha PoV:
I grabbed my purse from the cupboard and I was out the door. Amanda is leaving tomorrow and I need to go somewhere to calm myself down, so I'm going to the pub. I know what your thinking, the pub isn't the best place to go unless you want to get drunk. I'm going to the pub because they do some singalongs every Saturday night and I need a drink of coke.
I left the hotel and drove away. I need some time alone at the moment, I still can not believe that she's leaving. Although I still think that someone's behind her leaving and I don't know why...

I arrived at the pub at 6 o'clock, I parked my car and walked on in. The head of the pub took my coat and I went straight to the bar. There was no surprise that there was paparazzi there, I wasn't ever there 5 minuets and there was already news reports about me at the pub alone. I guess I'm never alone! I ordered myself some coke and checked my phone. There was news reports about Amanda walking around London streets alone, I'm surprised she's not with Simon. I drank my coke slowly and watched everyone leave and come in. When I turned to my right I noticed this woman with middle length blond hair sat at a table alone, she was facing the other way so I could only see the back of her head. She looks lonely so I went over to say hello. "Umm hi! I'm Alesha Dixon, what's your name?" I said. "Umm hi I'm Amanda Holden." She giggled. "Amanda!" I said as she turned around and gave me a hug. "What are you doing here Alesha?" She asked looking surprised. "I came here for a glass of coke and a singalong." "Oh my gosh! Same!" She revealed. I took a seat next to her and we just chatted about life, kids and BGT. I wanted to bring up the Wild At Heart thing but I was to scared if she might get upset again so I didn't.

"Anyone want to sing a song?" The head of the pub shouted. It went silent and all eyes were on us. I looked over at Amanda and who was nudging me to do it. "Okay I will, only if my best friend can do a duet with me." I said a pulled Amanda to the stage with me. "What will we sing?" Mandy asked. "How we feel about you no what." I answered. The head of the pub passed us microphones and we sang a song called space between from the movie Descendants.
~the song~
Alesha: I didn't know what you, were going through, I thought that you were fine, what did you have to hide?

Amanda: I didn't want to let you down, but the truth is out, it's tearing me apart, not listening to my heart. I really had to go.

Alesha: And I would never stop you.

Amanda: Even though it changed.

Alesha: Nothing has to change.

Both: And you can find me in the space between, where two worlds come to meet, I'll never be out of reach. Cause your apart of me so you can find me in the space between. You'll never be alone, no matter where you go, we can meet in the space between.

Amanda: And nothing can stay the same, it's growing pains.

Alesha: Be proud of all the scars, they make you who you are, I know you have to leave.

Amanda: But I'll never really leave you.

Both: Nothing has to change, and you can find me in the space between, where two worlds come to meet, I'll never be out of reach. Cause your apart of me and you can find me in the space between. You'll never be alone, no matter where we go, we can meet in the space between.

Amanda: There are no words left to say.

Alesha: I know you gotta find your place.

Amanda: But this is not the end. (No)

Alesha: your apart of who I am.

Both: Even If were worlds apart, your still in my heart, it will always be, you and me, yeah.

Alesha: You can find me in the space between!

Both: Where two worlds come to meet.

Alesha: I'll never be out of reach. (Amanda: I'll never be out of reach) no.

Both: Cause your apart of me so you can find me in the space between.

Alesha: You'll never be alone.

Amanda: No matter where you go.

Both: We can meet in the space between!

Amanda: No matter where you go.

Alesha: No matter where you go.

Both: We can meet in the space between!

Amanda PoV:
We finished the song and everyone cheered. I turned to Alesha and hugged her tight. "I'm gonna miss you." I whispered into her ear. We pulled from the hug and stared into each other's eyes. I had a glimpse of the first Thule I met her. We gave the microphones back and sat down at our table. We giggled and spoke some more.
For the rest of the night Alesha seemed a lot quieter than earlier. "Is everything alright?" I asked getting a little concerned. "Can I ask you something?" Alesha blurted out. "Of course." I replied. "Mandy please don't lie too me, what's the real reason why your leaving?" I froze still, I cannot tell her because Judy will go crazy. "Amanda? Amanda?" "I can't tell you Alesha, I really really really want to but I can't!" She just stared at me. "But why Amanda! Why?" "Look Alesha, your my best friend in the whole wide world, and I hate not being able to tell you things but with this one, I just can't." I said, she didn't look to happy. "Amanda please! Are you hiding something." I didn't know what to say. "Alesha I just can't!" I shouted a bit too loudly. "Come one Amanda! I feel like I don't even know you anymore!" Those words hit me hard, is my best friend really this mad at me? "Alesha, I hate not telling you things, but I just can't! You can understand that right?" She looked at me cold. "Amanda listen, best friends aren't supposed to lie to each other! If you can't tell me things anymore, then why are we still friends?" She screamed. "Alesha please don't say that!" "Amanda enough, our friendship is over!" Alesha shouted and stormed out the pub. The paparazzi filmed our in-tire fight. Great! I grabbed my bag and ran all the way back to the hotel in poring rain.

Simon PoV:
I heard Amanda's hotel door slam shut and her crying. "What the hell had happened!" I mumbled loudly under my breath. All of a sudden u heard her screaming and shouting at someone, but who? I listened for about half an hour and the shouting stopped but the crying didn't. I got a lot worried so I got re-dressed and went to see whats wrong.
"Mandy, can I come in?" I whispered through the door. I heard her get up from the bed and she opened the door. There she was standing there, her face as read as ever, tears steaming down her face and she's soaking wet. "Mandy what happened?" I asked worried. She walked over to me and hugged me tight. "I've wrecked everything." She mumbled and soon fell asleep with her head on my chest...

Judy PoV:
So Amanda came screaming home yelling at me, shouting and crying. She's mad at me and that's great! She told me that her and Alesha are no longer friends because of me, well that's amazing, at least I don't have to deal with her anymore. Finally! my evil plan is coming together and tomorrow Amanda will be gone! Finally! Yes! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
                        To be continued...
So how did you like this chapter?
Sorry I just had too make it dramatic, anyone who knows me well knows a like a lot of drama. 😂 and I can say there will be way more drama coming your way soon!
Did you ever guess Alemanda's friendship will break? Do you think they will become friends again?
So until next time!

Xoxoxoxox Ella!

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