Chapter 20

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David PoV:
After Alesha fell asleep in my arms, I laid her down on the pull out bed and tucked her in. Once I did that, I walked over to the chair next to Amanda's bed, and I decided to fall asleep there, It took me a while but eventually I fell asleep. Everyone struggled to fall asleep because of what happened but we managed to get some rest.

A few hours later...

I was in the middle of a dream when suddenly I heard someone barge through the door. "Oh my god!" I heard the person say. The voice sounded familiar, very familiar, but I was to tired to work out who it was. I tried going back to sleep but i got tapped on the shoulder. I turned opened my eyes and there was Cheryl. "What the hell Cheryl!" I screamed, I tried not to wake Simon or Alesha up, but I did.

"Cheryl, what are you doing hear?!" Simon asked angrily, as he shot yo from the window sill.

"I'm hear to... um apologise." She mumbled and looked down at the floor.

"You really think apologising will make everything better Cheryl?! You killed my best friend!" Alesha screamed as she broke down in tears once again.

"Well the police let me, and I'm sorry that Amanda's gone, I truly am. If I'm honest I didn't actually think my plan was going to work... but it did!" She laughed.

"It's not funny Cheryl! My girlfriend is gone, and it's all your fault!" Simon yelled.

"Please just go, it's not the best time Cheryl. Maybe if you did something less horrible then we would expect you apology, but you killed Amanda, so we can't." I explained.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and stormed out, I can't believe she came to apologise! I mean That is nice.... I guess but Amanda's gone and it's all her FAULT! Once Cheryl was finally out of the building I calmed Alesha down once again, and then we headed back to sleep.

The next morning...

Alesha PoV:
I woke up to the unpleasant sound of poring rain and thunder and lightning. Great! The atmosphere cannot get any worse. I strolled out of bed and walked over to Amanda's bed, I gently sat down and began to play with her hair, "Mandy I wish you where hear, I need you so much right now." I whispered to her. "I wish she was hear to Alesha." Simon and David both said behind me. I nodded my head and went to the ladies room to get ready.

Once I was dressed I went to a few meetings with a couple of nurses, and then for the rest of the day me, David and Simon finished of planning Amanda's funeral. When we Where about half way through, there was a knock at the door, Simon yelled come in and there was Ant and Dec.

"Oh my god Amanda." Dec whispered as he gave each of us a hug.

"I'm so sorry guys." Ant said as he walked over to Amanda.

"I'm just glad you could make it, Mandy needs everyone right now." Simon said.

We all took a seat and we filled Ant and Dec In with everything that has happened all over the past couple of days. Simon explained the fire, David told them about Cheryl being Judy, and I told them about the plans for the funeral. "Is it all over the news?" I asked out of no where. Ant looked at me and nodded his head. "Great! The whole world knows Amanda's dead, I hope Cheryl's happy now." David said getting upset and angry. After our long conversations it was time to sleep, and in 2 days it's the funeral.

Cheryl PoV:
So I tried apologising to everyone, but they where not happy about it. I mean what more can I do? I can't bring Amanda back to life!
The cops brought me back to the station and locked me up in my new cell, normally when you kill someone you spend about 12 to 20 years..... so I better get myself comfortable.
But David, Alesha and Simon.... you better watch out!

                    To be continued...
Hello, so I just needed to update because I can't keep you guys waiting! This is a short chapter but tomorrow I'll be doing a long chapter considering it's Amanda's funeral, make sure you read it!

Until tomorrow!

Xoxoxo Ella.

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