Chapter 19

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Back over in the UK...

Ant PoV:
Me and Dec was sat in the hotel room playing Mario Kart, when Dec's phone started going off like crazy. "What the hell is going on Dec?" I asked as I paused the game. "Umm." He replied, I started to get a bit concerned. "What's the matter Dec?" I asked as I seen a tear escape his eye. He stared at me looking blank and then passed me his phone. I read all the notifications, "but I can't be!" I yelled. "It's true, Amanda's... dead." Dec cried. What! How can this be? I remember a few weeks ago Amanda was with us, but now she's gone?!

"Ant, Simon just texted me." I sat closer to Dec and read the messages. "He wants us to fly over for the funeral." We both nodded our heads and ran straight for our suitcases. As I packed I also messaged Stephen Mulhern to tell him the devastating news, and Dec booked a flight.

Back over in South Africa..

Simon PoV:
As the the ambulance drove off the doctors allowed us to follow them. Stephen Tompkinson allowed us to take his van, so he gave me the keys and I drove Alesha, myself and David to the hospital. I contacted Ant and Dec to tell them the news and they are gonna fly over. "I'm so sorry Si." Alesha whispered, I didn't answer, I'm to upset too. "We are all sad Simon". David sad quietly, "shut up!" I yelled.

We soon arrived at the hospital and we practically ran in. "Amanda Holden please!" Alesha asked at the reception. "Ahh yes, she's umm... in room 12." The receptionist said not to happy. We walked around trying to find it, and eventually we did. I took a deep breath and walked in, there lay me girlfriend connected to oxygen tanks and lots of wires. "Oh my god." David mumbled. We all took each other's hands and slowly walked over to Amanda's bed. "I'm so sorry Amanda, I should of protected you more. I wish you were still here with us, so I can comfort you, please come back to us, we need you, I miss you." I whispered to Amanda as I cried hard.

The air around us was  depressed and everyone was a mess, "what do we do guys?" David asked as he got up from the chair.

"I'm not sure, I guess we start planning her funeral." Alesha Said, she got up from the window and began rubbing Amanda's head.

"I can't believe she's gone, Mandy was always so fun to hang around with. Her laugh was the best and she always lightened up the mood." David said to try and make everyone feel better.

Alesha PoV:
My tv wifey and best friend in the whole world is gone, and it's all Cheryl's fault!" I can't believe someone would to something like this. Simon was utterly heart broken, he's been crying nonstop for ages and he never cries. David hasn't made any jokes, and I'm not my normal chatty self anymore. I stared out the window and then at Amanda, I suddenly got an idea.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna right a song for Mandy's funeral." I announced to everyone. "That's a really good idea." A soothing voice said behind me, I turned around and a nurse was standing at the door. "Hello miss Dixon, Mr Walliams, and Mr Cowell, I'm so sorry about Amanda". She said calmly. We nodded our heads and I just continued looking out the window. I began writing my song, as the nurse had a chat to Simon.

2 hours later...

I finally finished writing my song and it's called  'I miss you' I wrote it from my heart and Mandy gave me inspiration.

(The song Alesha wrote👆🏽)
I tiptoed over to Amanda's bed and sat down next to her. I moved the wires out the way so I could sit down but also so they where still connected to her. I quietly sang the song to her hoping she could hear me. Once I finished singing the song I felt a hand tap me in the shoulder, I wish it was Amanda's but it's not. It was David. "That's song was beautiful Alesha." David said as he wiped away a tear. I couldn't held myself together anymore so I ran do David crying.

"Ssshhh Alesha, I know baby it's hard, but where gonna get through it." David whispered into my ear.

"David i want her to be with us, it's not the same without her. I know it hasn't been 24 hours yet but I really do miss her." I say into his chest.

"Alesha honey, someone who's loved never really dies, they live on in our memory. And you love Amanda more than anyone. One day she will be with us, I know she will." David whispered.

Soon enough I fell asleep hugging David, and I dreamt about last year.

Amanda PoV:
I'm dead! What! It's so weird, all I can see is black but I can hear. I know I'm not alive because I can't hear my heart beeping. I wish Cheryl never killed me, I loved my life and I never got to do everything I wanted to do. I never became a mum, got married or moved in with Alesha. Speaking of Alesha, well dreaming of her, she wrote me a song and when she sang it to me I just wanted to get up and hug her... but I can't. I heard her crying and that broke me, I miss them all so much and I never got to say goodbye. I don't even remember being in hospital, I only remember burning to death in the hospital set and then everything turning black.

Cheryl PoV:
I was dragged to the police station and I knew they where gonna arrest me. When I think back now my plan never was gonna work out. I mean half of it worked, Amanda's dead, but I should on known the police would find me and Simon never wants me back. I felt like I had to apologise but why? The officers will never let me but we will see...

                        To be continued...
Well hello there! So this chapter is very sad and it was hard to write. Did you enjoy it though? Leave a comment!

I wonder why Cheryl feels so guilty? Do you think she will be allowed to apologise?

Any-who, the next update will be tomorrow and I'm so excited for you to read the next couple of chapters! I'm sore you'll love what will happen soon.

Until tomorrow then my loves!

Xoxoxoxox Ella.

P.S: Thank you all for the really kind comments you guys leave me, I love reading them and I really appreciate it!
Love you guys! Xxx ♥️♥️♥️

Also, is any of you have Instagram please check out my accounts! They are
@holdenite_6 and @britains_got_talent_6

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